On-Demand, Tech Talk Tuesday Webinar: How to Optimize Your Product Content

Nine billion devices, including smartphones and computers, are in use today and connecting your shoppers to immediate information to meet their needs. That number is set to grow to 50 billion by 2025. Having the comprehensive and relevant digital content to answer that demand is the key to a successful modern brand. In this on-demand Tech Talk Tuesday webinar, Rob Gonzalez, a co-founder at Salsify, shares the keys to creating a successful product content strategy based on insight from leading brands and more than 30 million product pages.
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New Ways to Prevent eCommerce Fraud


While today’s online stores vary in their sizes, product offerings, customer personas, and profitability, one factor that is universal for these retailers is the importance of the conversion funnel. Optimizing this funnel can involve investments in advertising, sales, customer experience, support, and other areas. Yet, despite the time, effort, and money that eCommerce companies devote to crafting the ideal funnel, their efforts are frequently undermined by third parties looking to make money at their expense.
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2019 E-Commerce Trends to Capitalize On: What retailers must know to optimize their digital sales in the New Year


With retailers currently in full-on holiday prep mode, many haven't take the time to consider what's coming next. That's a mistake. In order to start the New Year off right — and continue the momentum right through 2019 — retailers need to not only know what e-commerce trends they should be preparing their businesses for, but also the actions they must take to capitalize on them to their full potential (i.e., optimize revenues).
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Webinar: More sales through IoT in Retail


Simon Eger by Etecture and Sebastian Stute by SmartMakers explain in 45 minutes how you can use the Internet of Things to optimize retail processes.After a short introduction to the topics LPWAN and Internet of Things (IoT), 3 use cases from the Retail area will be presented directly, where IoT helps you to better understand your customers.
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Online marketing tips every business owner should know


Creating a robust online presence is one of the best ways to market your business, showcase your products and services, and grow your customer base. But with so many online marketing channels, where do you start? How can you create a strong online presence that attracts people’s attention — and their dollars? Watch our free webinar, Online marketing tips every business owner should know, for expert insights on getting started with online marketing. And get a behind-the-scenes look at the decisions made on the Small Business Revolution — Main Street series.
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