New Ways to Prevent eCommerce Fraud

While today’s online stores vary in their sizes, product offerings, customer personas, and profitability, one factor that is universal for these retailers is the importance of the conversion funnel. Optimizing this funnel can involve investments in advertising, sales, customer experience, support, and other areas. Yet, despite the time, effort, and money that eCommerce companies devote to crafting the ideal funnel, their efforts are frequently undermined by third parties looking to make money at their expense.
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Retail Landlords and Tenants: Exploring Their Changing Relationship


Retail is changing, that we all know. Shoppers, armed with all the product information they’ll ever need and an almost unlimited number of shopping alternatives, are demanding retail keep up with their change of pace, and both brands and shopping center operators have taken notice.
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Optimize Retail & On-Demand Customer Experiences With Google Maps APIs


From store locators to asset tracking and route optimization, learn how leading companies are using Google Maps APIs throughout the customer journey to increase checkout conversions, boost user engagement, and optimize order fulfillment. Powered by the world's most widely used and innovative mapping technologies and locations services, your business can quickly integrate and deploy an advanced location strategy.
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The "i" in retail: data-driven personalization


Consumers are hitting “ignore” on any ad, brand or store experience that isn’t relevant. To grab and keep their attention, retailers and manufacturers must put the “I” back in retail with personal, engaging experiences. Luckily, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence are now enabling companies to engage intimately with their consumers, one-to-one, and activate customer-centric strategies with laser-guided precision.
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Drive Lean Manufacturing With Your ERP System

In its simplest terms, lean manufacturing eliminates waste and identifies processes for optimizing manufacturing operations. The business value of going lean is clear it maximizes efficiency, productivity, and profitability.But manufacturing companies and their decision makers are often unclear on where to start, how to implement lean best practices, and how to best leverage their ERP system to not only support lean manufacturing, but to drive it throughout the company. The good news is that just about every company has a tremendous opportunity to improve, using lean manufacturing techniques and best practices
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