PayFac-as-a-Service is revolutionizing the integrated payments landscape, says Caleb Avery, CEO at Tilled.

Caleb Avery, CEO of Tilled, discusses the payment industry's revolution, the benefits of PayFac-as-a-Service that does not have any upfront investment or ongoing overheads, and the best practices to generate revenue in this interview with Media 7. Read more to know about easy and time-effective payment services.

It’s so important to get your market validation and find a product market fit before you dive in headfirst.

MEDIA 7: What do you mean by PayFac-as-a-service? How is Tilled revolutionizing the payments industry with PayFac-as-a-service?
PayFac-as-a Service is a new option we introduced to the market with Tilled that empowers software companies and vertical ISVs to monetize their payments and profit from the money they are processing through their platforms, all with no startup costs or additional overhead in just a matter of weeks. 

Traditionally, software companies had few choices for processing payments on their platforms. Many start with managed PayFac providers like Stripe, Square, and Braintree, who offer easy-to-use APIs and instant onboarding, but at a high cost of 2.9 percent and 30 cents per transaction with no opportunity to benefit from those payments. As software companies grow and realize they could be profiting from those payments, their only options were to work with expensive PayFac-in-a-Box providers that can take months or even years to set up, or to sacrifice their customer experience with traditional credit card processing referral relationships.

With easy-to-implement APIs and seamless merchant on boarding, PayFac-as-a-Service provides the excellent customer experience software companies spend so much time designing for their own product and expect from their partners. At the same time, our revenue share — unparalleled in the industry —, allows companies to begin profiting immediately from the payments being processed on their platform.

M7: How does Tilled help its client integrate payments as a revenue strategy?
If you’re a software company that currently has integrated payment processing capabilities into your offering, more than likely you see it as a service that comes at either a cost to your bottom line or as a pass-through line item that your customers covered. But with Tilled and PayFac-as-a-Service, we can change payment processing into a revenue strategy that can add substantial value to your bottom line in just a matter of days.

We’ve based our business on the idea that for each dollar a software company processes through their system, they should earn money in exchange. They’ve done the work to build their software, land the customer, and facilitate the payment, so we believe they should be rewarded. At Tilled, we make that easy while also adding value and providing a better user experience.  It might seem revolutionary to someone who hasn’t operated in the payments space before, but for payments experts it’s hardly a new concept. Since the day you could process a credit card, there have been people and businesses who have benefited throughout the payments processing chain. We believe that every software company should have the ability to easily monetize their payments, and they shouldn’t have to sacrifice their user experience in the process. That’s why we created PayFac-as-a-Service.

Tilled is payment facilitation reimagined for companies that don’t have the time, money or expertise to become their own fully registered payment facilitator. Tilled’s revolutionary PayFac-as-a-Service platform allows software companies to enjoy all the benefits of becoming a PayFac without any of the upfront investment or ongoing overheads. All while capturing the lion’s share of the economics.

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Software-led payments is more than just ecommerce or online invoicing as many software platforms are starting to offer solutions for card present transactions.

M7: What about the risks associated with processing payments?
That’s the true beauty of PayFac as a service. While Tilled’s PayFac offerings will bring a lucrative new revenue stream to your business through payment monetization, we do more than write you a check each month and wish you luck with this new aspect of your business. As your true payments partner, we provide you with an entire division of payments experts essentially in-house, as a service.

First and foremost, we help get your merchants up and running with Tilled, taking care of the application and underwriting process so that many of them can begin processing payments in less than 10 minutes. While most underwriting can be automated, it occasionally does need a human to complete. With Tilled, we have a team of experts who double-check every underwriting process and reach out proactively if we see an issue. This ensures your customers are onboarded quickly and efficiently, with no work needed on your part.

You can also count on us to handle the many nuances and potential liabilities that come with processing payments, including fraud monitoring and chargeback management. Other providers often fall short in this area, setting up their customers with a payments solution and then leaving them to figure out the rest. If you’re unsure of how to handle those aspects of payment processing, it doesn’t matter how good the rest of the solution is. When you don’t have the money, time, or expertise to provide payments support for your customers, it’s doomed to fail. We’re proud to offer our customers the best solution on the market for software companies looking to monetize their payments. But we’re even more proud to offer it as-a-service.

M7: What are the top challenges you see for the industry in general and Tilled this year?
As software-led payments become a larger and larger piece of the overall payments pie, the payments industry will have to recognize the specific needs and challenges of these platforms and customers. Software-led payments are more than just eCommerce or online invoicing as many software platforms are starting to offer solutions for card-present transactions, which historically have not been an area the major managed PayFacs like Stripe and Braintree have excelled at. Likewise, legacy processors like Worldpay have not developed the modern technology and support that software companies require to be successful when it comes to integrating payments. These are challenges we are excited to tackle at Tilled as we continue to revolutionize the integrated payments landscape.

This year, hiring will be one of our biggest goals and challenges at Tilled. We plan to triple the size of our team, bringing in top talent in the payments industry that will continue to build out our technology and offer best-in-class service and support for our customers. I’d encourage anyone who is interested to check out our Careers page regularly, as we’re adding new positions nearly every day.

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As software companies grow and realize they could be profiting from those payments, their only options were to work with expensive PayFac-in-a-Box providers.

M7: What piece of advice would you like to give to the budding entrepreneur?
Sell it before you build it. One of the most valuable things I did when starting Tilled was to talk to our end customers, even before we had a product to offer them. I wanted to make sure what we were building at Tilled would actually solve their problems – and that they’d be willing to pay for it. Too many founders and entrepreneurs think they have a great idea and they go out and build it, not realizing they might be building something no one needs, wants, or will pay for. It’s so important to get your market validation and find a product-market fit before you dive in headfirst.


Tilled empowers ISVs to monetize the payments flowing through their platforms. Through Modern APIs and SDKs, Tilled's turnkey system allows software companies to be set up and running in a matter of weeks, with no upfront costs or additional headcount required. Without any of the headaches, regulatory compliance, or liabilities of becoming a fully registered facilitator, Tilled makes it easy for any software company to take full advantage of the benefits of payment facilitation. Tilled was founded in 2019 by Caleb Avery and is currently based in Boulder, Colorado.

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Q&A with Sarah Assous, Chief Marketing Officer at Zoovu

Media 7 | December 22, 2020

Sarah Assous, Chief Marketing Officer at Zoovu, is known for her skills in executing and delivering results across multiple positions and businesses. She is passionate about all things marketing and confidently leads a diverse team for innovating and executing work at a high standard. MEDIA 7: Please take us through your career journey of becoming the CMO at Zoovu. SARAH ASSOUS: It was always my ambition to work in the tech space...but it has been a journey. My first job out of college was with a business process outsourcing company, specifically in the insurance product development division (yes, you did read that correctly). I quickly realized that there was a lack of education and value messaging related to our services, so I advocated for a product marketing role. This was a pivotal moment in my career, by creating -and fulfilling - that role, I started my journey in marketing. Five years later, I decided that I wanted more remit, responsibility, and a team, that’s when I joined Zoovu. Within 6 months of joining, I grew the marketing team from 2 to 10 members, rebranded the company, redesigned the website, and elevated our messaging and position in the market - it’s been a wild ride!

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Q&A with Cameron Worth, CEO & Founder, SharpEnd

Media 7 | April 22, 2020

Cameron Worth, CEO & Founder of SharpEnd leads the company’s mission to help brands move closer than ever to consumers by connecting packaging, retail and experiential activity. He is a regular speaker and writer on how to build brands in a connected world. He has spoken at Cannes, the Festival of Marketing, LuxePack Monaco and New York, Ad:Week Europe and New York, DMA, the Connected Consumer Conference, Mobile World Congress and the IoT World Forum. MEDIA 7: How did the idea of “the agency of things” come to your mind? CAMERON WORTH: SharpEnd was created in 2015 as the world’s first Internet of Things focused agency, so there is a slight play on words when we say we’re the Agency of Things. I think the idea of giving things their own agency is an interesting concept, and the strapline fits our capabilities on multiple levels. M7: In what way does technology drive the association of SharpEnd with global brands? What approaches are followed to enable sustainability? CW: Our simple proposition is to help build brands in a connected world, and to do that you must always start with identified consumer needs or pain points and look at technology as just an enabler to deliver an appropriate solution (when appropriate).  Take the issue of sustainability, which is often a pain point for brands that grapple with issues such as how we can reward sustainable behaviour change. One of our approaches to this could be to look at communicating the recycling credentials of the different products. Whilst the consumer can engage with a product as part of a wider consumer experience, the same technology could also house content that could tell you whether the product is recyclable, which type of bin it goes in etc. SharpEnd’s work with Unilever is a case in point. We built a digital product that incentivised recycling through gamification but also served to educate through informing people how and where to recycle in a clear fashion. All users had to do was simply scan their packaging to have all this information at their disposal.

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Q&A with Rachel Gabato, COO at

MEDIA 7 | March 9, 2020

Rachel Gabato, COO at is a highly experienced and proven Product Management executive and advisor with experiences in designing, developing and delivering enterprise SaaS solutions for start-ups, mid-size and large companies. I have demonstrated success is managing solutions across all stages of the software lifecycle. Deck 7: What is your favorite part of working at RACHEL GABATO: My favorite part of working at is the diverse background of people that has brought together. We’re a blockchain technology company with a mission to build long-lasting trust and confidence in our food supply chain through a platform where everyone can access transparent and reliable information on the origin, journey and quality of their food.  Our co-founders originate from the fintech space, so they were very familiar with blockchain as a technology. They assessed multiple industries and identified the food supply chain as a industry which could be transformed by leveraging this technology. I didn’t have any knowledge of agriculture and the food supply chain, but I had a background in retail supply chain technology. However, we also have food scientists, data scientists, farmers, sustainable agriculture specialists, flavor specialists, blockchain technologists on staff;  it’s a diverse group that has their own specialty but when we have ideation sessions, the education and sharing that happens is tremendous. This is one of my favorite parts of – seeing us all educating, supporting and working together to work on our common mission. If you would have asked me two years ago if I would be visiting farms, I would have said no. However, much has changed, and I’ve been on hog farms, produce and citrus farms, sugar cane farms, etc. and visited all participants involved in the supply chain. I find this space incredibly fascinating and interesting. I now have a much better understanding where food comes from, how it gets to us, how it’s grown and handled. I’ve learned a tremendous amount from our team and it’s the intersection of technology and solving the challenges of the food supply chain which I’m incredibly passionate about.

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Q&A with Sarah Assous, Chief Marketing Officer at Zoovu

Media 7 | December 22, 2020

Sarah Assous, Chief Marketing Officer at Zoovu, is known for her skills in executing and delivering results across multiple positions and businesses. She is passionate about all things marketing and confidently leads a diverse team for innovating and executing work at a high standard. MEDIA 7: Please take us through your career journey of becoming the CMO at Zoovu. SARAH ASSOUS: It was always my ambition to work in the tech space...but it has been a journey. My first job out of college was with a business process outsourcing company, specifically in the insurance product development division (yes, you did read that correctly). I quickly realized that there was a lack of education and value messaging related to our services, so I advocated for a product marketing role. This was a pivotal moment in my career, by creating -and fulfilling - that role, I started my journey in marketing. Five years later, I decided that I wanted more remit, responsibility, and a team, that’s when I joined Zoovu. Within 6 months of joining, I grew the marketing team from 2 to 10 members, rebranded the company, redesigned the website, and elevated our messaging and position in the market - it’s been a wild ride!

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Q&A with Cameron Worth, CEO & Founder, SharpEnd

Media 7 | April 22, 2020

Cameron Worth, CEO & Founder of SharpEnd leads the company’s mission to help brands move closer than ever to consumers by connecting packaging, retail and experiential activity. He is a regular speaker and writer on how to build brands in a connected world. He has spoken at Cannes, the Festival of Marketing, LuxePack Monaco and New York, Ad:Week Europe and New York, DMA, the Connected Consumer Conference, Mobile World Congress and the IoT World Forum. MEDIA 7: How did the idea of “the agency of things” come to your mind? CAMERON WORTH: SharpEnd was created in 2015 as the world’s first Internet of Things focused agency, so there is a slight play on words when we say we’re the Agency of Things. I think the idea of giving things their own agency is an interesting concept, and the strapline fits our capabilities on multiple levels. M7: In what way does technology drive the association of SharpEnd with global brands? What approaches are followed to enable sustainability? CW: Our simple proposition is to help build brands in a connected world, and to do that you must always start with identified consumer needs or pain points and look at technology as just an enabler to deliver an appropriate solution (when appropriate).  Take the issue of sustainability, which is often a pain point for brands that grapple with issues such as how we can reward sustainable behaviour change. One of our approaches to this could be to look at communicating the recycling credentials of the different products. Whilst the consumer can engage with a product as part of a wider consumer experience, the same technology could also house content that could tell you whether the product is recyclable, which type of bin it goes in etc. SharpEnd’s work with Unilever is a case in point. We built a digital product that incentivised recycling through gamification but also served to educate through informing people how and where to recycle in a clear fashion. All users had to do was simply scan their packaging to have all this information at their disposal.

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Q&A with Rachel Gabato, COO at

MEDIA 7 | March 9, 2020

Rachel Gabato, COO at is a highly experienced and proven Product Management executive and advisor with experiences in designing, developing and delivering enterprise SaaS solutions for start-ups, mid-size and large companies. I have demonstrated success is managing solutions across all stages of the software lifecycle. Deck 7: What is your favorite part of working at RACHEL GABATO: My favorite part of working at is the diverse background of people that has brought together. We’re a blockchain technology company with a mission to build long-lasting trust and confidence in our food supply chain through a platform where everyone can access transparent and reliable information on the origin, journey and quality of their food.  Our co-founders originate from the fintech space, so they were very familiar with blockchain as a technology. They assessed multiple industries and identified the food supply chain as a industry which could be transformed by leveraging this technology. I didn’t have any knowledge of agriculture and the food supply chain, but I had a background in retail supply chain technology. However, we also have food scientists, data scientists, farmers, sustainable agriculture specialists, flavor specialists, blockchain technologists on staff;  it’s a diverse group that has their own specialty but when we have ideation sessions, the education and sharing that happens is tremendous. This is one of my favorite parts of – seeing us all educating, supporting and working together to work on our common mission. If you would have asked me two years ago if I would be visiting farms, I would have said no. However, much has changed, and I’ve been on hog farms, produce and citrus farms, sugar cane farms, etc. and visited all participants involved in the supply chain. I find this space incredibly fascinating and interesting. I now have a much better understanding where food comes from, how it gets to us, how it’s grown and handled. I’ve learned a tremendous amount from our team and it’s the intersection of technology and solving the challenges of the food supply chain which I’m incredibly passionate about.

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Restaurant POS

MarginEdge Streamlines Brewery Operations with Arryved POS Integration

MarginEdge | February 27, 2024

MarginEdge, an industry leader in restaurant management solutions, is proud to announce a new integration with Arryved, the craft beverage industry’s most trusted point of sale system. This collaboration introduces seamless POS integration, empowering Arryved users with accurate sales entries in MarginEdge. As breweries diversify, especially those emphasizing on-premise sales, the partnership between Arryved and MarginEdge offers a powerful solution for streamlined and comprehensive financial management. Eric Jeffay, Director of Partnerships at MarginEdge, expressed the significance of this partnership, stating, “Brewery operators run incredibly complex businesses with multiple sales channels. Our integration with Arryved marks a pivotal moment for breweries seeking a cohesive end-to-end solution to organize brewery, scratch-kitchen, and on-premise consumption operations.” Key Highlights of MarginEdge’s Arryved POS Integration Effortless POS Integration for Breweries MarginEdge’s integration with Arryved’s POS system ensures a seamless connection, creating a unified workflow tailored to the unique needs of breweries, offering a comprehensive solution for enhanced operational efficiency. Synced Sales Data Accuracy The integration enables efficient syncing of sales data from Arryved’s POS system to MarginEdge, eliminating manual errors and ensuring timely and accurate financial reporting. Brewery operators can now rely on precise and balanced sales entries for informed decision-making. Overall Efficiency for Brewery Workflows MarginEdge’s integration ensures a true end-to-end solution for operators. Sales data from Arryved is seamlessly exported into MarginEdge, facilitating cost analysis and providing valuable insights into product usage. The comprehensive sales and product data are then effortlessly exported into various integrated accounting software, ensuring seamless operations for operators. “We are excited to welcome MarginEdge into our expanding ecosystem of high-value tech integrations,” said Arryved’s CEO Loren Bendele. “MarginEdge shares our commitment to helping breweries and other craft establishments run strong, profitable businesses and this integration provides Arryved users’ with an enhanced and automated way to get real-time sales data for food cost reporting and analysis.” “By joining forces with Arryved, we are not just integrating POS systems; we are elevating the brewery experience. This collaboration underscores our dedication to providing brewery operators with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive market,” added Jeffay. MarginEdge anticipates the positive impact this integration will have on the brewery landscape, solidifying its reputation as a pioneering force in restaurant and brewery management solutions. About MarginEdge MarginEdge’s mission is to create a world where restaurant operators can focus on the business they love. By using best-in-class technology to eliminate unproductive paperwork and streamline the flow of operational data, MarginEdge is reimagining the back office and freeing restaurants to spend more time on their culinary offerings and guest experiences. The platform offers market-leading invoice processing, inventory management, recipe analysis, budgeting, performance tracking and supplier bill payment capabilities. Founded by industry veterans, MarginEdge serves a diverse group of operators from single units and small chains to large franchise and hospitality groups, providing a high impact product that resonates across the hospitality industry. About Arryved Arryved, Inc. is the craft beverage industry’s most trusted point of sale, providing a flexible, mobile system that allows staff to take orders from anywhere, ensuring exceptional service. With profit-friendly pricing, robust reporting insights, and award-winning support, Arryved is designed for bars, breweries, cideries, restaurants, and distilleries. Founded by tech enthusiasts with extensive experience in the service sector, Arryved’s team-centric platform prioritizes service, elevates guest experiences, and offers easily digestible insights for informed decisions.

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Leading Wireless Retail Platform Provider Real Time Technologies Continues Growth and Expansion With Acquisition of Your Ware Software

Real Time Technologies (RT²) | January 24, 2024

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Restaurant POS

MarginEdge Streamlines Brewery Operations with Arryved POS Integration

MarginEdge | February 27, 2024

MarginEdge, an industry leader in restaurant management solutions, is proud to announce a new integration with Arryved, the craft beverage industry’s most trusted point of sale system. This collaboration introduces seamless POS integration, empowering Arryved users with accurate sales entries in MarginEdge. As breweries diversify, especially those emphasizing on-premise sales, the partnership between Arryved and MarginEdge offers a powerful solution for streamlined and comprehensive financial management. Eric Jeffay, Director of Partnerships at MarginEdge, expressed the significance of this partnership, stating, “Brewery operators run incredibly complex businesses with multiple sales channels. Our integration with Arryved marks a pivotal moment for breweries seeking a cohesive end-to-end solution to organize brewery, scratch-kitchen, and on-premise consumption operations.” Key Highlights of MarginEdge’s Arryved POS Integration Effortless POS Integration for Breweries MarginEdge’s integration with Arryved’s POS system ensures a seamless connection, creating a unified workflow tailored to the unique needs of breweries, offering a comprehensive solution for enhanced operational efficiency. Synced Sales Data Accuracy The integration enables efficient syncing of sales data from Arryved’s POS system to MarginEdge, eliminating manual errors and ensuring timely and accurate financial reporting. Brewery operators can now rely on precise and balanced sales entries for informed decision-making. Overall Efficiency for Brewery Workflows MarginEdge’s integration ensures a true end-to-end solution for operators. Sales data from Arryved is seamlessly exported into MarginEdge, facilitating cost analysis and providing valuable insights into product usage. The comprehensive sales and product data are then effortlessly exported into various integrated accounting software, ensuring seamless operations for operators. “We are excited to welcome MarginEdge into our expanding ecosystem of high-value tech integrations,” said Arryved’s CEO Loren Bendele. “MarginEdge shares our commitment to helping breweries and other craft establishments run strong, profitable businesses and this integration provides Arryved users’ with an enhanced and automated way to get real-time sales data for food cost reporting and analysis.” “By joining forces with Arryved, we are not just integrating POS systems; we are elevating the brewery experience. This collaboration underscores our dedication to providing brewery operators with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive market,” added Jeffay. MarginEdge anticipates the positive impact this integration will have on the brewery landscape, solidifying its reputation as a pioneering force in restaurant and brewery management solutions. About MarginEdge MarginEdge’s mission is to create a world where restaurant operators can focus on the business they love. By using best-in-class technology to eliminate unproductive paperwork and streamline the flow of operational data, MarginEdge is reimagining the back office and freeing restaurants to spend more time on their culinary offerings and guest experiences. The platform offers market-leading invoice processing, inventory management, recipe analysis, budgeting, performance tracking and supplier bill payment capabilities. Founded by industry veterans, MarginEdge serves a diverse group of operators from single units and small chains to large franchise and hospitality groups, providing a high impact product that resonates across the hospitality industry. About Arryved Arryved, Inc. is the craft beverage industry’s most trusted point of sale, providing a flexible, mobile system that allows staff to take orders from anywhere, ensuring exceptional service. With profit-friendly pricing, robust reporting insights, and award-winning support, Arryved is designed for bars, breweries, cideries, restaurants, and distilleries. Founded by tech enthusiasts with extensive experience in the service sector, Arryved’s team-centric platform prioritizes service, elevates guest experiences, and offers easily digestible insights for informed decisions.

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Tilled empowers ISVs to monetize the payments flowing through their platforms. Through Modern APIs and SDKs, Tilled's turnkey system allows software companies to be set up and running in a matter of weeks, with no upfront costs or additional headcount required. Without any of the headaches, regulato...



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Driving Success with Localization of Global E-commerce Platforms


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POS Solutions, POS Retail, Ecommerce Merchandising

Realizing Exponential Growth with Top E-commerce Tools


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POS Solutions, POS Retail, Ecommerce Merchandising

Implementing Marketplace Optimization Tools for B2B Success

