Future-Proofing Businesses: Key Emerging Cloud POS Trends to Watch

Future-Proofing Businesses: Key Emerging Cloud POS Trends to Watch
Delve into key trends in cloud POS technologies and understand how these payment technology trends enhances customer experiences, transactional security, and improve enterprises positioning.


The retail and hospitality industries have seen an exceptional transformation in recent years, driven by shifting consumer expectations and accelerated technological advancements, where the adoption of cloud Point of Sale (cloud POS) systems has emerged as one of the most transformative innovations. These advanced cloud-based solutions are revolutionizing the ways in which businesses manage sales, inventory, and consumer interactions.

The adoption of cloud POS technology is no longer a choice but a strategic imperative for businesses, especially in the retail and hospitality sectors. The convergence of mobility, enhanced security, data-driven insights, sustainability, and omni-channel capabilities makes cloud POS systems an indispensable tool for success in a rapidly evolving business space.

From Cash Registers to Cloud: The Future of POS Trends for Businesses

In an era distinguished by technological advancement and rapidly changing consumer expectations, businesses across numerous industries must deliver a seamless customer experience to remain ahead of the curve. As cloud point of sale technology offers numerous advantages to businesses, such as increased flexibility, accessibility, security, integration capabilities, cost-effectiveness, and disaster recovery, the incorporation of these advanced payment solutions has become imperative.

Cloud based POS solutions provide an undeniable competitive advantage, and businesses must not only install them but also maintain an acute awareness of the most significant trends in this space. Here are some critical emerging cloud POS trends to keep an eye on in order to future-proof the company:

Inclination Towards Mobility and Tablet-Based Solutions

As businesses increasingly employ tablet-based cloud POS systems, the conventional idea of static, fixed-point cash registers are becoming obsolete. These solutions enable sales staff to complete transactions and provide assistance to customers throughout the store, introducing a new level of adaptability and productivity. By embracing mobility and tablet-based POS solutions, businesses not only lower wait times and improve customer experience but also streamline their processes, allowing them to respond more effectively to the changing needs of the modern marketplace.

With the adoption of this trend, businesses gain a competitive advantage by refining their operations and aligning themselves with the requirements of modern consumers who value both convenience and customization.

Emphasis on POS Integration Capabilities

With a growing emphasis on customer data, behavior analysis, and inventory data, the integrations between cloud based POS systems and mission-critical software applications, such as e-commerce platforms, inventory management, accounting, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, are on the rise. This trend enables businesses to dismantle data centers and create a unified ecosystem in which information flows seamlessly between all operational aspects.

By keeping apprised of these integration features, businesses can lower manual data entry, eliminate errors, and obtain a broad view of their data, enabling them to make more informed decisions and enhance their overall efficiency and productivity. With this, integration has emerged as an imperative strategy for businesses seeking to flourish in a market that is becoming increasingly competitive.

Rise of Omni-Channel Commerce

Modern consumers expect an effortless buying experience irrespective of whether they are interacting with a business online or in person. Cloud-based POS systems are evolving to meet these demands by integrating with e-commerce platforms, enabling consistent pricing and promotions as well as offering real-time inventory visibility across all channels. This allows businesses to provide services such as ship-from-store, returns and exchanges across channels, and buy-online-pick-up-in-store (BOPIS), which offers customers a convenient and seamless shopping journey.

The rise of omnichannel commerce is more than just a trend; it is an emerging need for organizations trying to remain competitive and create consistent, outstanding experiences across all touchpoints, eventually increasing consumer pleasure and loyalty.

Surge in Data-Driven Insights and AI

As the demand for better customer experience continues to grow, payment technologies such as cloud POS systems are no longer just used for transactional applications but are also used for robust data analysis and decision-making. Using the vast quantities of data generated by cloud POS software, businesses can now obtain valuable insights into sales trends, customer behavior, and inventory management.

Furthermore, the integration of AI enhances these systems by predictive inventory forecasting, resulting in facilitating advanced analytics and creating personalized marketing campaigns. In an increasingly data-centric business environment, businesses are thus focusing on adopting this cloud POS trend to make data-driven decisions that optimize their operations, improve customer experiences, and maintain a competitive edge.

Personalized In-store Shopping Experiences

The trend toward personalized in-store purchasing experiences represents a fundamental change in how businesses interact with their customers. This trend is a response to consumers' changing expectations, who want more than just transactions and seek meaningful interaction. Cloud based POS solutions are at the forefront of this innovation, allowing businesses to access real-time customer profiles, purchase histories, and preferences.

Leveraging this information, salespersons can deliver customized product suggestions, personalized promotions, and a level of service that resonates with each customer's specific wants and aspirations. This not only assists businesses to improve the in-store shopping experience but also fosters brand loyalty and encourages repeat business, positioning them for long-term success in a customer-centric world.

Bottom Lines

Cloud-based systems provide enterprises with the adaptability, security, and integration capabilities necessary to remain competitive and meet evolving consumer expectations. From improved safety and advanced analytics to omni-channel commerce and sustainable practices, these future trends provide a road map for businesses seeking success in the digital age.

By staying abreast of these key cloud POS trends, businesses can position themselves as agile, innovative, and customer-focused. This proactive strategy ensures that they are not only keeping up with change but actively influencing their future in a competitive market.

As a result, the adoption of cloud POS technology is no longer a choice but a strategic imperative for businesses across various sectors. The convergence of mobility, enhanced security, data-driven insights, sustainability, and omni-channel capabilities makes cloud POS systems an indispensable tool for success in a rapidly evolving customer-centric space. By embracing these key trends, businesses can deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive growth in an increasingly competitive marketplace.


POS Solutions

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POS Solutions

Realizing Exponential Growth with Top E-commerce Tools

Article | March 18, 2024

Top e-commerce marketing tools help companies provide frictionless shopping experiences to their customers. Discover how leading e-commerce platforms help companies spur inimitable success and ROI. Contents 1. The Strategic Relevance of E-commerce Platforms 2. Prominent Trends in E-commerce Platform Development 3. Top E-Commerce Tools Driving Operational Efficiency and Growth 3.1 FastSpring 3.2 X-Cart 3.3 Emporix 3.4 Elastic Path 3.5 Kibo Commerce 3.6 Cleverbridge 3.7 Vendasta 3.8 BetterCommerce 3.9 CommentSold 3.10 Virto Commerce 4. In a Nutshell 1. The Strategic Relevance of E-commerce Platforms Today's leading e-commerce platforms offer remarkable perks like business expansion, unmatched personalization, and data insights, holding immense strategic relevance for businesses worldwide. The inclination toward digitizing commercial operations has further intensified with varied environmental, economic, or social factors that induce consumers and clients to engage in online shopping and interactions from the comfort of their homes. Leveraging these platforms, firms successfully offer their customers exceptional product varieties, ease of return, and exciting discount offers, elevating their brand image and user satisfaction. Moreover, as essential tools guaranteeing operational excellence, e-commerce platforms are helping businesses optimize their sales performance, providing them with a solid online presence and streamlined purchase processes. With crucial consumer behavior insights, these tools empower companies to fine-tune their product offerings,marketing pursuits, POS techniques, and other strategies. Therefore, investing in the best e-commerce tools and implementing a well-thought-out internet commerce strategy have become imperative for companies to thrive in the digital marketplace and address the shifting consumer demands. 2. Prominent Trends in E-commerce Platform Development Emerging e-commerce platform development trends are optimizing business processes to ensure the best customer experiences. Here’s a glimpse at the prominent trends gaining momentum among e-commerce businesses: Preference for Personalization With the effective implementation of advanced AI technologies and data analytics for marketing enhancement, e-commerce platforms today are affording businesses impressive customization abilities, including personalized product offerings and marketing messages, which secure greater customer satisfaction. The Surge in Mobile Commerce Mobile commerce has become another notable trend in e-commerce platform development, accounting for a considerable part of retail e-commerce sales. Likewise, many e-commerce websites are establishing dedicated mobile apps to offer an easy shopping experience to users across different devices, elevating conversions and brand image. Subscription-based Offerings Subscription services have become more influential in the digital business arena, for they foster customer loyalty toward a brand and ensure long-term relationships with them. Providing consumers with repeated services or product deliveries, these offerings secure a steady revenue stream and help companies engage in sound financial planning due to income predictability. APIs for an Omnipresent Business The present era of e-commerce is especially marked by API-led omnichannel integrations, which facilitate easy data exchange and communication between systems. By simplifying order management, enabling personalized experiences, and unifying data access, APIs help businesses offer seamless shopping experiences to customers across digital touchpoints. Augmentation of Shopping Experiences with AR and VR Today, businesses are more inclined to explore AR and VR technologies because of their ability to provide immersive shopping experiences. From enhancing customer engagement to limiting cart abandonments, such technologies have, therefore, emerged as essential stimulants of sales and revenue growth. Scaling with Headless Commerce Often called the future of digital commerce, headless technology has become a favorite among e-commerce businesses. As the technology provides greater flexibility and scaling, enterprises are increasingly integrating with headless setups, benefitting from limitless personalization and advanced tools. The Growth of Voice and Social Commerce Voice commerce helps businesses offer hands-free shopping experiences to their customers, elevating checkout processes and decreasing cart abandonment. Likewise, social commerce is gaining traction, owing to the employment of social media platforms as search engines. E-commerce platforms, therefore, leverage this impact and drive sales by creating shoppable posts and allowing in-app purchases. Promotion of Sustainable Practices With ‘sustainability’ as the catchphrase, e-commerce companies are endeavoring to highlight their sustainable practices by offering eco-friendly products, contributing to carbon footprint reduction, and providing information regarding sourcing and production processes. 3. Top E-commerce Tools Driving Operational Efficiency and Growth Leading e-commerce marketing tools offer robust technical support to online businesses, helping firms augment productivity and carve a niche in the digital marketplace. Here’s a list of the top e-commerce tools that companies leverage to outshine their competitors: 3.1 FastSpring An ingenious tool for managing subscriptions, payments, and global sales taxes, FastSpring is a comprehensive payment and subscription platform catering specifically to software, SaaS, and online content providers. With its impeccable features, the tool facilitates easy global expansion for companies, helping them handle tax collection in different jurisdictions, streamline functions, and provide excellent purchasing experiences to customers. The notable features of the tool enabling effective e-commerce internationalization include: International Payments: FastSpring ensures exceptional revenue potential and unmatched transaction acceptance rates globally for companies. The tool allows smooth receipt of global payments, entailing single-time purchases, recurring payments, and SaaS subscriptions. Easy Subscription Management: By streamlining subscription management processes, FastSpring further empowers businesses to customize their plans with upgrades, downgrades, trial periods, etc. It augments customer satisfaction through features like pause subscriptions and billing intervals. Matchless Checkout Experiences: Another prominent aspect of the advanced tool is its ability to drive conversions and enhance revenue at the POS through remarkable checkout experiences. Accordingly, by simplifying checkout processes, the tool ensures minimized cart abandonments and promotes customer loyalty. Simplified Tax Compliance: FastSpring’s tax management feature secures complete tax compliance across jurisdictions. This relieves businesses of the burden of handling intricate tax requirements, enabling them to focus on core e-commerce operations. Comprehensive Dashboards for Data Analysis: The innovative tool further offers businesses easy-to-understand analytics dashboards for quick evaluation of subscription and revenue data, helping them leverage crucial customer insights and make well-informed decisions to enhance efficiency. B2B Order Handling: With FastSpring, B2B businesses can simplify their order management processes by combining payment and subscription features with orders. The tool further streamlines billing operations and decreases system complexities. 3.2 X-Cart X-Cart is an enterprise e-commerce platform that helps businesses with their scaling endeavors, securing long-term success and high ROI. It offers API-backed solutions to businesses, allowing them to benefit from featured integrations and customizable design options. It further ensures data-driven growth for companies using robust marketing tools and analytics. Why X-Cart remains a perfect choice for businesses to optimize their operations includes its exceptional features, such as: E-commerce Hosting and Development: X-Cart ensures platforms’ agility and reliability by employing super quick solid-state drives (SSD) for speedy page loading. The tool significantly entails features like a dedicated IP address, regular data backups, PCI-compliant hosting, etc. It offers tailored platform development solutions to businesses, including automated platform updates and maintenance of thoroughly tested online stores. Store Handling and Personalization Services: X-Cart further provides impressive support services to businesses, covering different aspects of customization and store management, such as software installation, log analysis, etc. It also facilitates easy personalization through Template Editor and Template Tweaker options. SEO Benefits: The far-reaching tool improves search rankings and website traffic. Through practical content evaluation, customer analysis, and server optimizations, it promises businesses elevated visibility and drives organic growth. Round-the-Clock Technical Assistance: Significantly, the tool renders timely support at every stage of businesses’ e-commerce journey. The prompt assistance allows companies to address challenges effectively, increasing efficiency and minimizing downtime. 3.3 Emporix Offering compelling features for B2B, B2C, and D2C companies, Emporix offers an innovative commerce orchestration platform that helps businesses elevate their operations, enhance customer experiences, and make real-time modifications based on relevant data insights. With API-first design and cloud-native architecture, the tool notably induces considerable progress for businesses. The key attributes of the forward-thinking e-commerce tool include: Advanced B2B Capabilities: Through its composable architecture, Emporix effectively meets the challenging demands of the B2B world, offering solutions such as catalog management and personalized pricing. The tool further streamlines the quotation management processes and simplifies invoicing with its Purchase Orders feature. Unified Multi-Channel Experience: With Emporix, businesses can leverage a multi-site platform to sell across diverse channels, administer all their online websites from a centralized location, and ensure separated customer data and configurations. Companies can also establish a single master product catalog while handling diverse offerings based on brand, customers, location, and availability. Composable Solutions for B2B Wholesalers and Distributors: Catering to the diverse needs of the wholesale and distribution industry, Emporix offers ultra-modern solutions to companies for handling large-quantity transactions. Accordingly, the tool boasts excellent features like advanced quoting, pricing, and discount capabilities. It further automates processes and allows easy scalability. Success Enabler for Technology-driven Start-ups: With its API-first strategy, the tool helps technology start-ups expedite their software development processes, manage their proprietary IP, and enhance the value of their offerings. 3.4 Elastic Path As a game-changing headless solution, Elastic Path can easily integrate with businesses’ ERP systems as middleware. The platform boasts an API-based design, which renders considerable agility to companies in meeting present-day e-commerce challenges. Essentially, it operates without fixed templates and provides tailorable e-commerce solutions to firms, helping them gain from advanced commerce features and composable architecture. The remarkable properties of Elastic Path include: Greater Autonomy to Merchandisers: Elastic Path transforms traditional product and catalog management, allowing merchandisers to create various product setups without relying on the IT department and quickly catering to changing customer preferences. Superlative Commerce Capabilities: The robust tool boasts excellent commerce capabilities, which companies can leverage to offer consistent pricing, manage product offerings, enable smooth checkouts, and provide unique shopping experiences. Subscriptions Management Solution: With Elastic Path’s API-first subscriptions management feature, companies effectively streamline subscription-based services and extend uniform payment experiences across various geographies, establishing steady revenue streams and elevating customer trust. Ease of Payment: Elastic Path optimizes payment processes and ensures the delivery of consistent payment experiences across various locations and brands, resulting in enhanced sales and customer satisfaction. 3.5 Kibo Commerce Kibo Commerce affords exceptional software solutions to companies, helping them streamline core processes like customer handling, search functions, and inventory management. Using superlative composable technology, the promising tool ensures flexible deployment, decreased fulfillment times, elevated order value, and increased conversion rates. The revolutionary tool, Kibo Commerce, comes with many significant features, such as: Order Management and Dispatch: Kibo Commerce helps businesses coordinate and direct orders effectively, ensuring speedy fulfillment and decreased turnaround times. It optimizes delivery routes and inventory distribution, augmenting operational efficiency and promptly meeting customer demands. Easy Inventory Tracking: Another crucial feature of Kibo Commerce is real-time inventory visibility, which allows companies to check their inventory levels across multiple channels and make well-informed decisions regarding marketing and purchasing strategies. The attribute also benefits POS systems, reflecting current stock levels and ensuring satisfying shopping experiences. Multi-channel Pricing and Promotions: By employing the comprehensive tool, businesses can maintain consistency in promotional and pricing activities across varied sales channels, driving growth and ensuring an exceptional brand image. Catalog and Subscriptions Handling: Kibo Commerce allows businesses to effortlessly manage product attributes, catalogs, and categories, structuring and modifying their product offerings according to market demands. It also streamlines subscription management processes, ensuring prompt fulfillment of recurring orders. Unified Checkouts: The ingenious tool facilitates the integration of cart and checkout processes across various digital touchpoints. The unified feature helps businesses maintain substantial consistencies and limit card abandonments, securing frictionless shopping and high customer loyalty. Intuitive Search Functionality: By proffering user-friendly search capabilities, Kibo Commerce significantly enhances customers’ navigation experience, promoting engagement and making it easy to find products, information, and services. 3.6 Cleverbridge The next-generation e-commerce tool, Cleverbridge, enhances customer lifetime value (CLV) through compelling commerce solutions, empowering businesses to earn considerable financial gains. The tool guarantees frictionless transactions, boasting an impressive uptime and presenting businesses with effective solutions for finance automation, subscription management, global payments, etc. The most prominent components of Cleverbridge include: Subscription APIs Promising Speed to Market: With Cleverbridge, businesses can get their services and products to the market faster by employing innovative subscription APIs and documentation. Businesses can easily integrate subscription options into their offerings, simplifying development endeavors and speeding up time to market. Integrated Payment Solution: Supporting multiple payment options and currencies, Cleverbridge ensures secure financial transactions, fraud protection, adherence to industrial standards, and effortless global expansion. The tool further accommodates various payment preferences, boosting user delight and conversion rates. CLV Growth Engine: Inducing high customer retention, Cleverbridge’s CLV growth engine leverages AI-powered processes to help customer teams ensure high audience engagement. The tool achieves this by automatically reaching customers, effectively upselling, and renewing subscriptions. Wide-ranging E-commerce Solutions: From transaction automation to renewal simplification, Cleverbridge helps companies optimize buying processes by managing administrative tasks, compliance measures, retention marketing, and partner management. This feature lets businesses focus on critical operations, enhancing sales functions and driving higher profits. 3.7 Vendasta Catering to independent software vendors, marketing agencies, and media companies, Vendasta is a comprehensive e-commerce tool that allows reselling and rebranding online services to local business clients. Leveraging this leading-edge tool, companies can widen their service offerings, foster client relationships, and ensure profitable growth. Some of the chief aspects of the forward-thinking tool comprise: Easy Scalability: With Vendasta, users can easily automate repetitive tasks and optimize business operations. These merits allow them to manage a more significant number of projects and clients, ensuring sustained success in the long run. Enhanced Product Offerings and Secure Transactions: The exceptional tool allows users to widen their catalogs by combining their products with premium market solutions. Furthermore, it leverages encrypted billing and payment processes to ensure safe transactions, gaining customer confidence. Task and Project Management: With in-house fulfillment teams, Vendasta allows businesses to offload time-extensive tasks and focus on key operations. Its white-labeled communication feature further promotes easy interaction between clients and fulfillment teams, inducing successful project execution. Its impressive project and task management tools empower companies to organize, track, and prioritize tasks, streamline workflows, and decrease turnaround times. Sales Intelligence: Businesses can benefit from crucial client insights by employing Vendasta, as the tool offers snapshot reports. These reports scan the web for complete operation data, permitting effective identification of growth potential, customization of sales pitches, and building client trust. Personalized Marketing: The remarkable tool further automates marketing tasks and processes to optimize users’ marketing endeavors, ensuring the delivery of tailored content and messages to the target audience. It also allows for the smooth execution of email campaigns, elevating client engagement, and driving operational success. 3.8 BetterCommerce BetterCommerce, a digital market tool, chiefly caters to retailers and D2C brands. It provides composable commerce solutions to users, offering high scalability and allowing them to adapt to shifting consumer demands quickly. With components like a PIM, CMS, order management system and engagement tools, it helps businesses secure excellent buyer journeys. Promising high efficiency, the advanced tool boasts the following features: Extraordinary E-commerce Capabilities: With BetterCommerce, companies can leverage a headless architecture to process transactions, manage product offerings, and deliver excellent shopping experiences to customers across multiple touchpoints. This effective selection of headless architecture helps businesses drive sales and yield financial benefits. Centralized Product Data: The tool entails a splendid product information management (PIM) system, which lets users handle and publish updated product information across multiple listings, ensuring uniformity and preciseness across channels. Agile Content Delivery: The tool uses a headless CMS and renders phenomenal flexibility in content delivery, allowing users to conveniently create, modify, and publish content across digital touchpoints. Performance Insights: BetterCommerce notably encourages sound decision-making by providing crucial insights into customer behavior, sales performance, and marketing efficiency. Such insights further optimize businesses’ strategies and drive profits. 3.9 CommentSold Harnessing the possibilities of video commerce, CommentSold is a pioneering e-commerce solution that boasts live selling technology and redefines customer shopping experiences. The tool offers users engaging virtual experiences and comprises prominent features like Shoppable Videos, Smart Meta Chat Automation, and AI-generated Videos, which enhance productivity, engagement, and profitability. The top attributes that make CommentSold a preferred choice for businesses include: Customized Solutions: With CommentSold, businesses can capitalize on tailored solutions to address present-day business challenges. These include advanced POS systems, marketing automation tools, and warehouse optimization. Live Selling Feature: CommentSold empowers sellers to make excellent sales pitches. It allows companies to interact with customers through live videos, demonstrate products, and answer customer queries, inducing higher customer engagement and product purchases. Advanced POS System: The forward-looking tool comes with the latest POS system, which manages in-store and online sales through an integrated platform, enabling smooth checkout experiences. Inventory Control: Providing an all-inclusive inventory management system, CommentSold automates tasks such as dropshipping and wholesaling and allows businesses to focus on their strengths for augmented efficiency. 3.10 Virto Commerce A pioneering tool, Virto Commerce increases customer retention by providing superlative marketplace solutions to businesses backed by training, consulting, and assistance services. This budget-friendly tool helps companies with their expansion pursuits, rendering solutions, such as Virto Commerce Cloud, Virto Marketplace, etc., and securing high effectiveness. The principal attributes of Virto Commerce entail the following: Support for Decoupled Commerce: Offering a modular architecture and support for headless commerce via API, Virto Commerce allows companies to easily customize different components without impacting the system’s core functionality. It facilitates the management of various channels within the same e-commerce ecosystem. Capacity for Limitless Catalogs: The tool affords infinite catalogs containing myriad products. It allows companies to store product data in physical and online synchronized listings, securing tailored category structures and avoiding data duplication. Customized Offers and Diverse Currency Support: With Virto Commerce, vendors can assess and control their offers, implementing personalized pricing per quantity, discounts, and sales terms. The tool significantly supports diverse currencies, helping businesses scale their operations without hassle. Comprehensive Order Management: Virto Commerce’s Orders feature lets firms simplify their order processing tasks, providing them with complete oversight and notifications for quick order management. 4. In a Nutshell The importance of e-commerce platforms in today's business world can hardly be overstated. From facilitating expansion to helping companies tweak their strategies, leading e-commerce platforms allow unparalleled growth and ROI enhancement. Notably, businesses employ top e-commerce tools, benefitting from unmatched customer experiences and high operational efficiency. Furthermore, with emerging trends like mobile commerce, subscription-based services, voice-enabled shopping, and social commerce, the future of e-commerce holds substantial potential. These trends will transform the way customers buy products and promise further advancements in the sector. In particular, innovations like drone delivery and live shopping technology continue to gain traction, offering even more exciting opportunities to businesses, letting consumers make purchases from anywhere in the world, and driving boosted revenues for e-commerce companies.

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POS Solutions

Implementing Marketplace Optimization Tools for B2B Success

Article | April 4, 2024

Marketplace optimization serves as a gold mine for businesses, helping them attain key marketing goals. Read the article to discover leading marketplace optimization tools for increased sales and ROI. Contents 1. Marketplace Optimization: The Tale of Visibility 2. Core Benefits of Marketplace Optimization 3. Boosting POS Strategies with Location Intelligence 4. Top 10 Best-selling Optimization Tools for Market Dominance 4.1 Stackline 4.2 Perpetua 4.3 Teikametrics 4.4 Quartile 4.5 Wiser Solutions 4.6 Intentwise 4.7 CommerceIQ 4.8 Feedvisor 4.9 A2X 4.10 eDesk 5. Final Thoughts 1. Marketplace Optimization: The Tale of Visibility Marketplace optimization (MPO) enables businesses to enhance their selling capabilities and rank higher on search engines, leveraging diverse signals like search keywords, product listings, seller metrics, etc. The MPO process essentially includes multiple best practices, such as optimizing product descriptions, fine-tuning advertisements, and employing locational intelligence, which together focus on ensuring superior execution of businesses’ selling operations. The global online marketplace optimization tools market size is projected to touch USD 2159.22 million by the end of 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 19.32% during the forecast period. [Source: Business Research Insights] Significantly, as catalysts for greater brand visibility and POS strategies, today’s leading marketplace optimization tools help B2B businesses elevate their e-commerce platforms, delivering the best results and increased customer satisfaction. With such notable benefits and prominence, the MPO process has become a shining protagonist in B2B's tale of visibility. 2. Core Benefits of Marketplace Optimization Along with increased website traffic, conformity to prominent sales acceleration trends, and enhanced customer engagement, marketplace optimization tools usher in many advantages for B2B businesses. The prominent merits of these include: Better Performances With actionable insights into businesses, marketplace optimization ensures better e-commerce performances, allowing companies to make end-to-end forecasts and informed marketing decisions. Enhanced Brand Visibility The MPO processes help businesses improve quality scores for search keywords and fine-tune their product listings. It also heightens their brand presence across different filters and categories, enabling them to reach wider audiences. Targeted Marketing By incorporating processes like locational intelligence, marketplace optimization further makes for precision in lead targeting and efficient resource allocation, ensuring increased conversion rates and brand loyalty. Improved POS Tactics Businesses can augment their pricing and inventory management processes with marketplace optimization, ensuring optimized POS strategies. This optimization enables companies to set attractive prices and maintain the right products in stock, rendering the checkout processes effortless for buyers. Customized Ad Campaigns With an effective MPO strategy, companies can also gain beneficial insights into the behavior of target audience segments. Such information, in turn, helps businesses create laser-focused campaigns with high-performing keywords, optimized content, and attractive product listings. Greater Profitability Marketplace optimization promises higher sales and lead conversion rates. It further promotes cross-selling and upselling through personalized advertisements, ushering in significant returns and meeting businesses’ marketplace objectives. 3. Boosting POS Strategies with Location Intelligence In today’s marketing world, location intelligence has emerged as an integral part of MPO processes, empowering businesses to boost their productivity and potentially earn peak financial gains. By leveraging geospatial data or location intelligence, companies can effortlessly assess crucial factors like customer demographics, economic factors, product demand, and competitor actions, which enable them to strategically optimize their e-commerce strategies for enhanced sales. Furthermore, the process enables companies to understand purchase behavior and customize their products and pricing according to regions, ensuring a practical POS approach and driving higher sales. From enhanced delivery logistics and product offerings to personalized marketing endeavors and customer experiences, location intelligence effectively promises multiple benefits to businesses and remains an essential tool for optimizing digital marketplaces. 4. Top 10 Best-selling Optimization Tools for Marketplace Dominance With prominent marketplace technology and tools, businesses successfully attain unparalleled customer confidence and expand their reach, enhancing the way online commerce works. Here’s a list of the top 10 best-selling optimization tools for inimitable marketplace success: 4.1 Stackline Launched in 2014, Stackline is a comprehensive e-commerce optimization tool for retailers and brands in the digital marketplace. It offers businesses crucial MPO signals, such as revenue metrics, commerce insights, and interaction data, enabling them to make informed decisions and POS strategies related to product pricing and stock availability. The AI-powered optimization tool Stackline further boasts multiple promising features that include: Market Insights: Stackline enhances businesses' marketing intelligence by providing comprehensive insights into buyers' behaviors, preferences, and trends. It enables companies to understand markets and engage their audiences for better returns. A Multi-retailer CRM: Through a notable multi-retailer CRM, the marketplace optimization tool empowers businesses to undertake customized marketing efforts, as customer data can be centralized and managed in the system for various MPO processes, including assessment of rating and reviews, targeted surveys, collection of customer feedback, and so on. Optimization of Ads: With Stackline, e-commerce companies can create powerful advertisements and campaigns, simplifying their advertising efforts and optimizing advertisement expenditure. Performance Monitoring: Stackline further lets businesses get a complete view of their e-commerce business data, including sales performance. It allows users to monitor and analyze crucial parameters, driving peak financial gains and enabling informed decisions. Handling Product Listings: The marketplace optimization tool also offers solutions for product listing management across multiple digital platforms, ensuring reliability, preciseness, and enhanced POS tactics. 4.2 Perpetua Perpetua is an advanced optimization tool for marketplace that serves the top e-commerce platforms globally. The tool primarily focuses on optimizing businesses’ advertising efforts, empowering them to attain their strategic goals by highlighting crucial metrics and assessing trends through next-generation machine learning and advanced algorithms. With easy task automation and crucial marketplace insights, Perpetua helps businesses ensure true e-commerce success. The chief features of the tool include: Advertisement Intelligence: With Perpetua, businesses can gain complete advertising intelligence, as the tool provides users with crucial marketplace data and insights. This data empowers them to show suitable ads to the right people on major e-commerce platforms, further enhancing sales and revenues. Simplification and Automation of Advertising Workflows: Optimizing processes like video and display advertising across leading marketplaces, Perpetua also helps businesses automate tasks and streamline their workflows. Such automation allows companies to implement more efficient advertisement strategies and customize their ads for better results and investment efficiency. Marketplace Insights: By rendering comprehensive insights into market performance, sales trends, competitors, market developments, and customers’ behavior at the POS, Perpetua effectively strengthens retailers’ decision-making processes, helping them devise better advertising techniques and driving higher ROI. Bidding Algorithms for Precise Targeting: Through intelligent bidding algorithms, Perpetua enables businesses to analyze crucial factors such as market trends and customer demographics, and helps them reach their target audiences with extraordinary precision. It offers companies tailored suggestions based on these analyses, ensuring the practical usage of advertising budget and better impact of ad campaigns. Comprehensive Sales Analytics: Showcasing the effectiveness of businesses’ advertisement expenditure, Perpetua’s all-inclusive sales analysis feature lets retailers leverage crucial insights into their sales performance, helping them improve their advertisement approach. 4.3 Teikametrics Facilitating innovative advertising, Teikametrics is a revolutionary e-commerce optimization tool that incorporates AI technology to help companies thrive on major e-commerce platforms. It renders solutions for advertisement optimization, marketplace insights, and inventory management for small businesses and established enterprises. Notably, with its impressive Flywheel 2.0 technology, the powerful optimization tool automates advertisement bidding processes and ensures enhanced brand visibility. Teikametrics shines with its unique selling proposition, promising a robust optimization tool with the following key attributes: AI-driven Optimization: Teikametrics leverages artificial intelligence to analyze market trends and customer behavior and subsequently augments businesses' advertisement campaigns, empowering them to make the most of these campaigns. Flywheel 2.0 Technology: The tool’s advanced Flywheel 2.0 technology helps companies make intelligent bids on ad placements, ensuring greater brand awareness and enhanced business sales. Significantly, by automating crucial advertising tasks, it streamlines the ad campaign processes and helps businesses drive higher ROI. Effective Inventory Management and POS Techniques: With Teikametrics, businesses can clearly understand stock requirements and high-performing products. Correspondingly, the forward-looking tool ensures the availability of product stocks in the right amounts at the POS locations, enabling customers to buy what they like and enhancing businesses' POS techniques. Powerful Market Insights: Teikametrics provides businesses with crucial information and insights related to competitors’ actions, market trends, and customer preferences, allowing for informed decision-making and strategy building. 4.4 Quartile Being a robust optimizer of retail media, Quartile utilizes patented AI technology to help e-commerce enterprises fine-tune their digital advertising efforts across prominent platforms. The tool carefully filters through large data sets, automating crucial advertisement tasks to amplify the companies’ returns on investment. Emphasizing the correct ad placement and cross-platform advertisement optimization, the advanced tool further allows enviable precision targeting to businesses. Correspondingly, the key highlights of the innovative marketplace optimization tool include: Automatic, Purpose-Driven Ad Optimization: Leveraging advanced AI technology, Quartile helps users define their optimization goals and streamlines their efforts automatically without requiring manual updates. With the forward-looking tool, businesses can also digitize their ad bidding strategies, streamline ad placements, and search relevant keywords, elevating the efficiency of their ad spend. Privately-owned Machine Learning Innovations: The promising optimization tool for marketplace boasts six proprietary machine learning technologies that companies can leverage to promptly elevate their e-commerce publicity initiatives. Integration of Digital and Retail Media Campaign: Quartile allows businesses to effortlessly combine their digital and retail media campaign optimization within a single platform. This eliminates the need for firms to traverse different platforms separately. It also enables them to augment their brand presence and simplify operations with advanced campaign management tools and analytics from a single interface. Holistic Performance and Attribution Reports: With Quartile, companies can get a comprehensive performance overview comprising relevant insights into sales drivers and attribution reports and make informed decisions or adjust their strategies based on such information. 4.5 Wiser Solutions Wiser Solutions, a leader in commerce execution SaaS products, has an impressive commerce execution suite that facilitates intelligent decision-making and renders a comprehensive view of businesses’ performance. Combining data from offline and online stores, the tool gives companies essential insights, helping them draw augmented sales and profits. Facilitating optimized commerce execution, Wiser Solutions comprises the following notable features: Relevant Pricing Data: By providing actionable pricing data, Wiser Solutions helps businesses enhance their pricing and POS strategies, allowing retailers to promptly evaluate competitor prices, market trends, and other relevant factors, make real-time decisions, and revise product prices to maximize profitability. Comprehensive View of Retail with Multiple Data Sources: Combining data from different sources, such as e-commerce platforms and offline stores, the pioneering tool renders a complete view of the retail environment to businesses, entailing required stock levels, market trends, and customer behavior. In-store Operations Monitoring: Wiser Solutions helps companies effectively carry out core in-store tasks such as pricing products, placing promotional material, and arranging product displays. This helps them render exceptional shopping experiences to customers and ensure consistent brand presence across channels. Smart Decision-making: Wiser’s impressive array of tools comprises advanced analytics that let users leverage real-time insights into competitor strategies, market trends, etc. and make well-informed decisions based on them. The tool, driven by proprietary algorithms, helps businesses drive sales and widen their market shares. Better Product Assortments: With Wiser Solutions, companies can offer customers the most attractive mix of products and ensure that these products don’t run out of stock. Therefore, the tool helps businesses optimize product assortment, driving sales and providing better POS decisions. 4.6 Intentwise Intentwise is an exhaustive marketplace optimization tool that enables retailers to enhance and streamline their advertising endeavors on leading online e-commerce platforms. Focused on elevating pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns, it boasts striking components like analytics cloud, ad optimizer, and so on, increasing return on advertising spend (ROAS) and facilitating successful campaign management. Committed to its endeavor of augmenting advertisement ROI, Intentwise offers various benefits to users: Robust Ad Optimization Engine: Harnessing AI and machine learning algorithms, Intentwise empowers businesses to evaluate their advertisement performance data in real time and further renders actionable suggestions related to keyword optimization, budget allocation, and keyword bidding, which could be implemented either manually or automatically. It also provides competitor insights and AI-powered audits for ad campaigns. Overview Dashboard: With Intentwise, companies get a detailed view of crucial ad metrics, such as conversion rates, total expenditure, impressions and clicks. The comprehensive data allows for better decision-making, time and effort savings, enhanced advertising strategies, and attainment of marketing goals. Flexible Reporting Tools: Intentwise further enables businesses to effortlessly tailor their reports according to their preferences and needs. This customization helps companies undertake detailed analysis, better understand their performance metrics, and make vital decisions. Optimized Ad Spend: To ensure maximum ad spend efficiency, businesses leveraging Intentwise can notably fine-tune their campaign management and bidding strategies based on crucial factors of the retail environment, like market conditions and competitor behavior. Superlative Data Visualization: Users can view and evaluate data with a single click, which showcases a clear distinction between brand and non-brand keywords. Furthermore, the tool converts foreign currency into the user’s local currency, rendering the data comparison easier. The enhanced data visualization importantly improves performance and ensures greater precision in decision-making. 4.7 CommerceIQ Empowering brands to effortlessly succeed in the digital marketplace, CommerceIQ is a comprehensive marketplace optimization tool that enhances all aspects of a brand's retail, such as marketing, sales, and supply chain administration. The tool essentially promises high profitability and business growth through task automation, data analytics, and more. Characterized by relentless, ongoing innovation, CommerceIQ is an all-encompassing tool that benefits retailers through: Progressive Data Evaluation: Using advanced algorithms, CommerceIQ allows businesses to analyze large sets of data related to competitors' actions and consumer behavior, which helps companies make strategically intelligent decisions. AI-Powered Ad Solutions: With CommerceIQ's AI-powered ad solutions, businesses can optimize their advertisement expenditure by real-time bid adjustments, using strong keywords, and allotting advertising funds to top-performing campaigns for improved brand visibility and revenue generation. Task Automation: From product pricing adjustments to advertisement bid management, CommerceIQ automates significant advertising tasks, enabling businesses to carry them out quickly and more efficiently. Enhanced Inventory and Supply Chain Management: By predicting inventory requirements and helping businesses maintain the proper stock levels, Commerce IQ ensures that the demands of customers are invariably met at companies' POS locations. Automated Tools for Effective Sales Management: CommerceIQ's innovative features further elevate businesses' sales operations, protecting brands' reputations from third-party sellers and preventing out-of-stock situations and income loss. 4.8 Feedvisor Feedvisor is an AI-first marketplace optimization tool that strengthens businesses through its comprehensive suite of services. The tool renders actionable insights to brands and sellers, empowering them to optimize their pricing techniques, advertisement campaigns, brand management, and content. Reflecting the significance of data-driven intelligence, Feedvisor helps businesses drive true success through its striking features like: Patented Technology for Dynamic Pricing: The comprehensive tool helps businesses fine-tune their product prices, delivering real-time market data, demand forecasting, and competitive analysis for data-backed decisions. AI-driven Optimized Ads: Feedvisor further elevates sponsored ads and DSP campaigns by helping sellers align these campaigns with product prices and promotions. Correspondingly, the tool allows businesses to leverage the most effective keywords for their ads and modifies bids according to conversion rate trends and traffic. Unmatched Market Intelligence: With Feedvisor, businesses get unparalleled marketing intelligence, as the tool offers comprehensive dashboards and data-backed insights to companies, which allow them to understand market trends, competition, and SKU-level performance. A Splendid Suite of Services: Rendering agency-like business and marketing services to clients, the advanced marketplace optimization tool strengthens businesses through various solutions, including inventory management, counterfeit removal, content listing optimization, reputation management, etc. 4.9 A2X Simplifying ecommerce accounting for businesses, A2X was established in 2014 with impressive integration capabilities and the ultimate aim of helping companies reconcile their revenues correctly. Combining effortlessly with various accounting software, A2X helps businesses gain accurate financial information for well-informed decision-making. The principal features of the A2X marketplace optimization tool include: Automated Accounting Tasks: Ensuring the accurate recording of financial information, A2X streamlines accounting processes by automating tasks such as importing and categorizing transactions. Such automation effectively curtails errors associated with manual data entries, rendering an accurate financial picture to business enterprises. Complete Accessibility: The advanced optimization tool further focuses on rendering high accessibility, ensuring that correct and up-to-date financial information remains accessible to all stakeholders, including bookkeepers, accounting firms, and businesses. Elevated Transparency: The forward-looking A2X tool enhances transparency by delivering accurate financials to stakeholders. This allows businesses to clearly understand their operational effectiveness and make insightful decisions. Scalability: From start-ups to big businesses, A2X addresses the unique needs of companies of varying sizes. The tool's high scalability allows businesses to effortlessly leverage it, as it can grow alongside them to meet changing demands and requirements. 4.10 eDesk With an emphasis on augmenting customer experiences, xSellco’s eDesk offers a vast array of e-commerce tools to brands and retailers, which enable them to increase their response rates and work more efficiently. Facilitating effective communication and intelligent decision-making, the comprehensive tool further offers smart response recommendations to businesses through AI automation. From enhanced customer satisfaction to seamless integrations, the chief elements of eDesk include: Smart Inbox: By consolidating customer queries from different sources, such as social media, marketplaces, and web stores, eDesk ensures unified customer support. It empowers businesses to manage all of their sales and customer messages in a single place for more effective communication. Impressive Integrations: Effortlessly connecting with over 200 platforms like web stores, marketplaces, and social networks, eDesk possesses striking integration capabilities, which allow businesses to gain comprehensive order information. Need-based Message Sorting: Automatically prioritizing messages based on business needs, eDesk ensures prompt response to urgent messages, streamlining workflows and augmenting the overall customer experience. Integrated Analytics: With eDesk, businesses can leverage comprehensive insights on support metrics and customer dealings from various data sources to understand customer demands and trends and enhance customer support services. 5. Final Thoughts Marketplace optimization promises greater visibility and e-commerce excellence to retailers and brands worldwide. Importantly, employing diverse best practices and signals, online marketplace tools empower businesses through ad optimization, workflow streamlining, enhanced selling capabilities, and so on. With processes like location intelligence, digital marketers further endeavor to improve the efficiency of their POS strategies. Yet, one can expect a greater emphasis on the use of such processes along with AI and machine learning in the time to come. Future trends in MPOs will especially witness businesses ensuring enhanced immersive experiences for customers through AR and VR. Furthermore, ethical commerce, sustainability, influencer marketing, predictive analytics, and multi-channel integration would continue to hold great prominence, helping businesses make the most beneficial decisions and thereby unlock true business success.

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POS Solutions

Driving Success with Localization of Global E-commerce Platforms

Article | February 14, 2024

Top e-commerce platform providers streamline businesses’ localization efforts for successful global expansion. Discover the leading e-commerce companies that promise effective internationalization. Contents 1. Understanding the Going Global, Being Local Approach 2. Overcoming Challenges in Global E-commerce with Localization 3. Top E-commerce Platform Providers Ensuring Effective Expansion 3.1 Core dna 3.2 Inxeption 3.3 OroCommerce 3.4 ChannelSight 3.5 Expedite Commerce 3.6 SamCart 3.7 Pepperi 3.8 payever 3.9 Fonteva 3.10 Brikl 4. The Future Reflection 1. Understanding the Going Global, Being Local Approach The adage ‘going global, being local’ represents the necessity of localization efforts for the international expansion of e-commerce platforms. Localization enables businesses to adapt to the languages and cultures of new regions. This endeavor is significantly strengthened by organized data collection, understanding customer preferences, and forward-looking solutions like address validation APIs. Localized efforts further empower enterprises to fine-tune their international e-commerce marketing strategies along with sales and POS techniques, ensuring high customer engagement and sustainable business growth. The complementary effect between global expansion and localization can also be seen in companies’ ability to establish deep connections with international customers through comprehensive website customization, showcasing respect for cultural differences, values, and languages. Moreover, the localization of crucial products and pages allows for excellent shopping experiences for users, irrespective of their regions, guaranteeing wide acceptance and continued business success. 2. Overcoming Challenges in Global E-commerce with Localization Expanding or establishing international e-commerce platforms requires careful contemplation, as it poses many crucial hurdles that can impede business growth and result in customer discontentment. Here's a breakdown of the core challenges in e-commerce platforms faced by companies while going global and the practical solutions for countering them: Cultural and Language Variations Marketing strategies that are effective in one area or country might not work in the other. Failure to understand each region's cultural variations may lead to customer isolation and unsuccessful e-commerce localization measures. Moreover, the inability to cater to customers' language preferences may result in missed sales opportunities and deter customer engagement. Nonetheless, businesses can effectively meet such challenges through proper multilingual and translation support investments, resulting in a heightened sense of belonging among international customers. Furthermore, companies should conduct thorough market research, analyzing local trends, cultures, and preferences to customize essential products, offerings, and pages and modify their sales, marketing, and POS strategies. Data Collection and Address Veracity International data collection is another notable challenge for global e-commerce platforms, owing to various regions' differences in address formatting, languages, and cultural practices. Such incongruities not only complicate the data collection processes but also result in the loss of cross-border customers. Yet, extensive, standardized, and accurate data can be collected by employing advanced analytics tools and incorporating address validation APIs. The solution further entails complying with significant data protection regulations such as CCPA or GDPR, which remain imperative in protecting customer safety. Not to mention, through effective secure transmission protocols and data encryption, businesses can improve data security during its collection, processing, and storage processes. Payment Preferences Cross-border transactions require companies to deal with varied payment methods, currency conversion fees, fluctuating values, and exchange rates, which can impact customer satisfaction and business profitability. The diversity of payment gateways further adds to security concerns, while other factors like compliance obligations and technological infrastructure affect the companies' POS strategies. Therefore, to meet the diverse preferences of various regions, businesses must actively offer international customers multiple payment options, enabling seamless transactions at POS stations. Significantly, by partnering with credible financial institutions and payment gateways, supporting the local currency, and adopting fraudulence identification measures, companies can vigorously promote customer experience. Businesses must also clearly communicate the payment fees and currency conversion rates, elevating customer trust and ensuring continual operational success. Shipping and Logistics Requirements From handling diverse shipping requirements to fulfilling customer expectations of quick order deliveries, e-commerce internationalization notably requires the completion of exacting tasks. Besides, businesses may face heightened expenditures and remain prone to shipping delays or loss, which could adversely impact customer experience. That said, companies can overcome this hurdle by meticulously streamlining shipping and logistics processes. This can be ensured through establishing local warehouses, collaborations with expert local and international shipping providers, and using advanced inventory management systems for optimal warehouse inventory management. Such measures ensure effortless last-mile deliveries, portfolio variegation, and smooth transactions. Compliance Obligations The diversity of jurisdictions, which entail data protection, consumer rights, product standards, and taxation, poses a considerable challenge for global e-commerce. Traversing these diverse regulatory requirements demands substantial resources and knowledge to ensure compliance and avoid legal problems. Indeed, complying with various countries' market and legal regulations poses a big challenge for global e-commerce platforms. Yet, measures like strategic partnerships with legal experts or consultants experienced in target and new market regulations can help businesses prevent issues associated with regulatory compliance. Moreover, setting up an internal compliance monitoring unit and regularly updating business strategies to fit changing regulatory environments can help companies attain business growth and mitigate legal troubles. 3. Top E-commerce Platform Providers Ensuring Effective Expansion With 24/7 accessibility and enviable marketplace exposure, the leading e-commerce platform providers are securing the success of businesses’ expansion endeavors. Listed below are the top companies that promise successful expansion of businesses: 3.1 Core dna With a notable integrated platform for content and commerce, Core dna facilitates effortless scaling for e-commerce platforms of mid-market to enterprise businesses. The company utilizes a cloud-native and API-first strategy, empowering firms to establish seamless customer experiences across varied channels. It renders innovative developer tools, structured content management abilities, and unmatched support services to businesses, helping them manage high-traffic volumes and expand their e-commerce platforms. From helping teams handle content to offering promising tools like AI Assistant and Visual Page Builder, Core dna enables businesses to thrive in the digital environment. The company’s platform is built on a secure cloud infrastructure, which entails API-led integrations, performance optimization, and responsive, design capabilities. Core dna effectively ensures scalability and adaptability for global audiences through its strong multi-language support, content scheduling, and versioning. Furthermore, it helps businesses handle checkouts, payments, carts, products, and promotions, providing them with tools for lead capturing, email marketing, and customer segmentation. 3.2 Inxeption A pioneer in the industrial commerce sector, Inxeption endeavors to streamline industry processes and connectivity, empowering e-commerce platforms to succeed in the digital arena. The company aims to simplify online sales processes and leverages blockchain technology for ultimate business success, affording unparalleled transparency, security, and operational efficiency. Its vertical marketplaces give buyers easy access to trusted sellers and offer suppliers effective sales channels to expand their online businesses. With Inxeption’s Managed Store, businesses can turn their offline product listings into online ready-to-buy catalogs. It provides unique tools for advertising, credit checks, order fulfillment, and the launch of extended payment term programs. The company further enables businesses to widen their reach and expand their audience through advanced audience databases and digital marketing tools. Importantly, it provides companies with real-time analytics, helping them gain greater supply chain visibility and make well-informed decisions. 3.3 OroCommerce Through its impressive suite of platforms, OroCommerce empowers businesses to optimize their sales processes, gain a 360-degree view of their customers, and create responsive design applications. The company mainly offers innovative solutions to B2B businesses to efficiently build and scale their commercial operations, ensuring high customer engagement and satisfaction. OroCommerce boasts promising CRM and marketplace solutions, providing businesses with features like configure price quote (CPQ) and request for quote (RFQ) to meet their diverse needs. Other features like digitized product listings and multiple payment options help companies automate and refine their operations efficiently. Not to mention, through the OroMarketplace platform, the company offers innovative digital marketplace management software, which can adjust to multiple corporate structures and render stock visibility and scalability for growth. Furthermore, it allows businesses to expand nationally or globally, giving them significant insights into sales activity and enabling operators to create new revenue sources through promotions, value-added services, and memberships. 3.4 ChannelSight As a leading digital solutions provider, ChannelSight renders crucial insights into user engagement to businesses, enabling them to maximize conversions and leverage data to enhance product performance. The company boasts a vast network of retail partners and undertakes measures to strengthen businesses’ online presence. With exemplary tools and strategies, it empowers e-commerce platforms to give enjoyable shopping experiences to users across different touchpoints, promoting their expansion and profitability. Notably, the company offers customers various features that help businesses make their media shoppable, predict inventory trends, attain top search placements, and optimize conversions. Through its e-commerce enablement platform, it makes integration with social media platforms, online retailers, and digital touchpoints easier. Likewise, its prominent ‘Buy Now’ technology helps businesses sell products directly through online videos and social media posts, simplifying checkout processes and driving peak financial gains. 3.5 Expedite Commerce Expedite Commerce leverages innovative methodologies and cloud-based solutions to help B2B companies transform their e-commerce platforms for more significant revenue generation. The company provides after-sales support, enabling sales, finance, and marketing leaders to meet the digital world's challenges effectively. Its impressive e-commerce platform offers features like flexible product listings, secure payment processes, and tailorable storefronts, ensuring easy scaling and sales growth for businesses. With its all-inclusive suite of solutions, Expedite Commerce offers B2B companies e-commerce storefront and CPQ solutions and Guided Digital Discovery tools that enhance confident purchases and customer experiences. The company’s exceptional Digital Guided Selling Software further allows for personalization of buying experiences and renders scalable solutions. Moreover, the company simplifies various processes through its Contract Lifecycle Management feature, ensuring operational agility and accuracy. 3.6 SamCart Transforming digital sales for entrepreneurs and small-scale businesses, SamCart is an innovative e-commerce platform provider that strives to simplify online sales through the creation of user-friendly interfaces and efficient checkout pages. Established in 2013, the company has grown remarkably, empowering creators to enhance customer engagement via effortless checkout experiences and limitless customization. With multiple impressive features, SamCart promises smooth transaction experiences. For instance, its Embedded Checkout feature allows for effortless incorporation of checkout into any website page, augmenting customer convenience. The company’s drag-and-drop editor further allows for seamless customization, and its Popup Checkout option renders quick checkout abilities to users. Similarly, the Sales Page feature lets businesses enhance shopping experiences through multimedia content, maximizing sales and profitability. 3.7 Pepperi Pepperi is a prominent B2B e-commerce and mobile sales solutions provider. It enables businesses to expedite their sales operations and drive financial gains. Through sales force automation, route accounting, retail execution, and more, the company helps firms effectively address their customers’ needs and drive success in their expansion ventures. From allowing users to establish tailored digital storefronts to enhancing their back-office workflows, Pepperi undoubtedly renders a scalable and dependable solution to achieve B2B excellence. Significantly, with its Unified Commerce platform, Pepperi refines all sales functions, ensuring tailored experiences for sales reps and buyers. Also, its Mobile Order Taking App for Sales Reps helps augment order effectiveness and customer interactions, while the Retail Execution Platform helps businesses enhance their in-store operations. The company also provides comprehensive insights into customer actions through its Inside Sales and Support feature, assisting businesses to make well-informed decisions, undertake expansion, and enhance operational productivity. 3.8 payever A forward-thinking fintech firm, payever empowers businesses by streamlining and securing payment processes, rendering them multi-currency and multi-language support. The company provides cost-effective pricing models and payment options that address varied scenarios and allow for seamless transactions, helping businesses with their scaling endeavors. Furthermore, through its adaptable commerce platform, payever provides for the integration of crucial tools like invoicing, online payment processing, and POS systems. The company boasts an impressive array of services and tools focused on refining checkout processes. With striking API integration and consolidated transaction management, it helps businesses skillfully meet the demands of the digital business world. Also, from payment initiation at POS to enabling transactions through QR codes and tailored links, payever addresses different payment situations, including international payments, making it effortless for businesses to widen their operations. 3.9 Fonteva Fonteva specializes in cloud-based software solutions and caters to non-profits, associations, and event-based organizations. Fonteva delivers highly modifiable events, membership, and e-commerce applications, enabling easy scalability and integration with other business solutions. The company’s prominent array of tools allows for successful event operations, including coordination, fundraising, and membership management, which augment the overall attendee experience and welcome new possibilities. Significantly, Fonteva enhances revenue potential through a promising suite of features, including integrated shopping carts, revenue accounting, and an online storefront. It further boasts impressive reporting features, providing insights into customer demographics, revenue accounting, and order management, which ensure sound decision-making. From personalized pricing options to comprehensive tools for the growth of e-commerce companies, Fonteva renders multiple merits to businesses, making for streamlined operations and high customer satisfaction. 3.10 Brikl A premier provider of progressive e-commerce solutions for the custom and promotional products sector, Brikl aims to enhance online selling and design processes. The company offers firms a promising platform for creating and selling tailored products. Its prominent offerings include highly intuitive designs and customization tools that allow businesses to modify products to meet customer needs. Notably, with its on-demand platform, Brikl enables quick setup of firm and team stores, employing user-friendly drag-and-drop functionality. It further boasts features like bulk logo addition and vector designs and facilitates the creation of catalogs and easy product customization. Businesses can import live stock data and utilize marketing support for better brand visibility and enhanced revenue growth. From effective asset creation to expert content and video production, the Brikl Creators platform helps businesses maintain a strong brand relevance across varied channels. 4. The Future Reflection The journey toward successful global expansion for e-commerce platforms indubitably demands a localized approach. From meeting paramount obstacles like linguistic diversity and intricacies of shipping to ensuring far-reaching acceptance for brands, the e-commerce localization process greatly benefits businesses. Similarly, the future of global expansion of e-commerce companies would lie in the continual incorporation of adaptation efforts with advanced technologies and data-driven techniques. Companies must accelerate such pursuits by partnering with major e-commerce platform providers, capitalizing on cloud-native solutions, streamlined payment systems, and modular architectures. Additionally, considerable emphasis should be placed on sustainability and eco-friendly practices and the use of composable commerce that stays poised to usher in unmatched adaptability and responsiveness, reflecting a promising trend in e-commerce. Ultimately, with the power of forward-thinking technology, customization, and sustainability, firms can leverage all the necessary ingredients to drive success in tomorrow’s digital world.

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POS Retail

Optimizing Digital Marketplace with Unified Retail Management

Article | May 10, 2024

Savvy retailers partner with leading marketplace software providers to dominate the digital marketplace with unified retail. Read the article to unlock the ingredients of successful retailing. Contents 1. Unified Retail Management: The Inducer of Selling Prowess 2. Multichannel Versus Unified Commerce in Retail 3. Unlocking Operational and POS Success with Unified Retailing 4. Top Companies Dealing in Unified Retailing Software 4.1 Tackle.io 4.2 Anchanto 4.3 Logicbroker 4.4 JungleWorks 4.5 Appscrip 4.6 NuORDER 4.7 CS-Cart 4.8 AppDirect 4.9 Convictional 4.10 Mirakl 5. Summing Up 1. Unified Retail Management: The Inducer of Selling Prowess Unified retail management is a distinct approach to retailing that involves managing diverse retail operations, from inventory management to checkouts, through a single, integrated system. By ensuring personalized shopping experiences, offering impressive integration with POS systems and checkout options, and simplifying digital marketplace processes, the unified approach benefits B2B businesses in many ways, transforming them into true selling prowess. Over 66% of all software spending in retail is now focused on the concept of unified commerce. [Source: Research and Markets] With the apparent shift toward unified retail management, businesses adopting this approach today hold a competitive edge in the market. A single, integrated system comprising marketplace optimization tools helps them streamline operations, enhance productivity, reduce manual work, and gain greater visibility into their activities. 2. Multichannel Versus Unified Commerce in Retail Representing different strategies in the retail sector, both multichannel and unified retail management approaches aim to offer customers an exceptional shopping experience, enhancing loyalty and satisfaction. While multichannel retail management involves maintaining and managing diverse sales channels, a unified approach combines them to ensure a uniform customer experience across all touchpoints. A prominent distinction between the two is their respective points of focus. Notably, the unified approach focuses on rendering consistent customer experiences, while the multichannel approach aims to ensure a harmonious appearance of the brand. Yet, unlike the complex infrastructure that the multichannel platform entails, a unified retail management software consolidates all retail operations on a single platform, overcoming operational inefficiencies and data inconsistencies that can emerge in the former approach. The simplicity of the unified software further ushers in the desired agility in operations and decision-making prowess. Significantly, with features like consolidated platforms and real-time data synchronization, which are hard to find in a multichannel platform, unified commerce software limits the chances of discrepancies and errors, elevating business growth and profits. 3. Unlocking Operational and POS Success with Unified Retailing As customer expectations shift and the retail environment matures, businesses worldwide are increasingly implementing unified retail management for enhanced POS strategies and peak financial gains. This transition ensures that separate channels don’t usher in frustrations with inconsistencies in customer experiences. Importantly, with online marketplace optimization tools for unified retailing, B2B businesses further stand to bridge potential gaps, unlocking operational and POS excellence, marked by: ● High Operational Efficiency Unified retail management systems streamline various retail operations, including merchandising, marketing, and customer relations, combining different aspects of retailing to reduce manual work and increase overall operational efficiency. It further improves inventory management and ensures that overstock situations at POS are averted. ● Process Simplification for Better Customer Experiences Whether it is simplifying crucial processes such as easy returns or ensuring seamless transactions via faster checkout and payment options, unified retail management builds trust and loyalty among customers by rendering them hassle-free experiences across all digital marketplaces and touchpoints. ● Integrated POS and Effortless Checkouts In a unified approach, efficient transaction processing is made possible by effortlessly integrating the POS system with inventory management. This allows real-time updates of inventory levels and integrated reporting for better decision-making. It also lets businesses add effective self-checkout options, encouraging higher purchases and seamless checkout experiences. ● Better Insights and Visibility With unified retail management systems, retailers gain greater visibility into their operations, as data and analytics are centralized. This centralization enables them to optimize POS strategies and view real-time information on variables like sales performance, customer behaviors, and stock levels. ● Personalized Selling Unified retail management systems easily consolidate customer data from different sources into a single, centralized database, allowing for personalized selling. They also enable B2B businesses to implement dynamic pricing, offer tailored recommendations at POS, and carry out targeted promotions based on such data, cultivating stronger customer relationships and overcoming inconsistencies. Companies that grow faster drive 40 percent more of their revenue from personalization than their slow-growing counterparts. [Source: McKinsey] ● Cost Saving Despite the initial investment, a transition to unified retailing promises marketplace optimization tools, which increase cost efficiency, curtail manual errors, and reduce the costs associated with handling separate channels and systems. ● E-commerce Integration Unified retail management software easily integrates with e-commerce platforms. It allows retailers to manage online storefronts, align data across different channels, and process online orders, ensuring smooth functioning and optimum profits. ● Omnichannel Capabilities With a unified approach, retailers could further organize omnichannel marketing campaigns, providing consistent offers, pricing, and messages across multiple touchpoints. This would also ensure customers get personalized recommendations at POS and promotions, regardless of their chosen channel. ● A True Competitive Advantage From enhanced flexibility and customer experience to robust security and supply chain resilience, the unified approach renders a true competitive advantage to retailers, enabling them to become industry leaders and grow their customer base effectively. 4. Top Companies Dealing in Unified Retailing Software With business optimization at the core, leading marketplace software providers are empowering businesses to attain success with the unified retailing approach. Here’s a list of the top companies that are rendering forward-looking unified retail solutions to businesses: 4.1 Tackle.io Founded by industry veterans, Tackle.io is a unified retail software provider that aims to simplify B2B software retail processes. Considering the present-day cloud era, Tackle.io offers an impressive platform to businesses, rendering them high earnings potential from cloud marketplaces and allowing them to launch products quickly without wide-ranging engineering resources. Offering a comprehensive Cloud GTM platform, Tackle.io aims to support various aspects of cloud-generated revenue for enterprise-level businesses, including co-selling and marketplace integration. It employs a data-driven approach to enhance customer satisfaction and increase profits. Significantly, its easy integration with hyperscale cloud ecosystems simplifies partner collaborations and automates co-selling workflows. 4.2 Anchanto Facilitating online sales and shipping for retailers, brands, and logistics companies, Anchanto is a notable unified retail management software provider headquartered in Singapore. The company offers a comprehensive technology stack to businesses and streamlines their retail operations through solid integration capabilities, data analytics, post-purchase services, etc., enabling them to achieve operational excellence. The company boasts advanced SaaS technology to offer retailers scalability, cost-effectiveness, and regular updates. Furthermore, with impressive integration with more than 150 POS systems, global marketplaces, ERPs, and web stores, Anchanto allows for real-time data access and enhanced decision-making. Correspondingly, it renders customized solutions to 3PL businesses and eliminates customers’ WISMO queries, ensuring high customer loyalty. 4.3 Logicbrocker Logicbroker is a leading multi-vendor commerce solution provider that links trading partners seamlessly, regardless of their integration methods. Offering a wide range of products, the company helps retailers enhance their brand presence by fostering connections and managing operations. Predominantly, the solution provider serves mid-market and enterprise manufacturers and retailers in different industries, including consumer electronics, health and wellness, home improvement, etc. The company’s distinct product onboarding center cuts down manual tasks, while its dropshipping solution helps retailers widen their product range without requiring additional warehousing space. Furthermore, with tools for more straightforward payment processing, split payments, dispute resolution, visibility, and control, the solution provider supports business development, ensuring security and regulatory compliance, including CCPA, SOC, and GDPR standards. 4.4 JungleWorks JungleWorks is a notable unified retailing software provider that renders no-code solutions to businesses wishing to manage hyperlocal operations like on-demand delivery or home services. It offers various solutions for faultless on-demand operations of companies of all sizes, from establishing online marketplaces to facilitating transactions and managing logistics. The company aims to help on-demand service providers foster enhanced customer engagement through personalized marketing campaigns and omnichannel capabilities. It streamlines fleet operations, ensuring robust vehicle tracking and monitoring of real-time driver activities. It also provides headless e-commerce solutions, enabling businesses to leverage limitless API-driven integrations and customization options. 4.5 Appscrip Powering mobile-first business models, Appscrip is a technology solution provider that caters to diverse businesses such as social, on-demand, shopping, messaging, discovery, etc., facilitating their technology management and modernizing their businesses through augmented reality, IoT, and telematics. With scalable, aesthetically appealing mobile apps, the solution provider is helping retailers expand their businesses by focusing on their products and ensuring high customer satisfaction. Correspondingly, the comprehensive solution provider offers end-to-end IT and development services to retailers, helping businesses through the whole product development cycle, from ideation to implementation. Furthermore, with its specialization in mobile-first models, dedicated POD teams, and impressive tech stack, it prioritizes user experiences, enabling businesses to launch their products rapidly, scale their businesses, and ensure high customer engagement through an intuitive interface. 4.6 NuORDER Lightspeed, a leading B2B platform provider, offers the NuORDER solution to businesses, which carries the right ingredients for retailing success. The comprehensive NuORDER software promises users compelling features like integrated payment solutions and virtual showrooms, simplifying wholesale transactions for brands and retailers worldwide. Acquired by Lightspeed in 2021, the software further facilitates automated workflows and data-driven decisions for B2B selling with integrations with over 120 POS systems, ERP, and PLM. Moreover, through its impressive attributes, NuORDER streamlines retail operations, allowing retailers to optimize inventory allocation, view unified catalogs, and work with teams across diverse brands and stores. The company’s strong suit lies in its ability to facilitate data-driven decision-making, allowing error reduction, enhanced control, and better business outcomes. With the platform’s easy compatibility with chain stores, department stores, and online retailers, NuORDER renders solutions for diverse retail environments, increasing order efficiency and fine-tuning range plans across all stores and departments. 4.7 CS-Cart CS-Cart is a leading e-commerce software that provides businesses with a self-hosted multivendor solution. Its open-source architecture allows retailers to customize and scale their e-commerce websites and caters to SMEs and enterprises. The solution has distinct features like payment dependencies and vendor-to-admin payments, which renders an excellent POS experience. Furthermore, the company offers tools for automating tasks, handling marketplace workflows, optimizing order processing and product management, and simplifying seller onboarding, which boost sales and augment retail operations. The company also provides easy integration with over 70 payment gateways and diverse payment options, implements comprehensive security measures, and ensures compliance with industry standards like GDPR and PCI DSS. 4.8 AppDirect Headquartered in San Francisco, AppDirect is a cutting-edge B2B subscription commerce platform provider that connects technology advisors, businesses, and providers to simplify retail processes associated with technology solutions. Correspondingly, the company aims to help enterprises collaborate successfully and gain high efficiency in the B2B technology sector. Notably, AppDirect's software offers multiple features to retailers, including a custom cloud marketplace, advanced merchandising tools, fast checkouts with diverse payment options, industry-specific solutions, and a catalog of over 300 pre-integrated SaaS and IaaS providers, which ensure tailored online marketplaces for businesses for enhanced customer experience and strong brand presence. 4.9 Convictional Recognized as a leading modern dropship platform provider, Convictional helps established retailers launch new dropship, cross-selling, and marketplace programs. With advanced tools for marketplace dominance, robust vendor management, and integration capabilities, it allows retailers to onboard and dropship with various brands, ensuring quicker assortment growth, limited onboarding time, and increased online sales. Convictional further allows retailers to expand their product range quickly without manual efforts and ensure smart decisions through data-driven insights. The company’s software boasts impressive collaboration tools, encouraging transparency and establishing a win-win situation for retailers and suppliers. Its impressive attributes also include automated payouts with flexible payment options, making for smooth invoicing and greater customer convenience. 4.10 Mirakl Founded in 2012, Mirakl is a leading technology partner promising digital growth to businesses worldwide through its innovative features. The company offers unmatched expertise and assistance to retailers through its comprehensive solutions for all operations, from implementation to development. With the ability to manage millions of API calls, SKUs, and stock updates, Mirakl promises retailers seamless digital business advancements and optimum profits. The company further boasts an impressive retail media experience, enabling businesses to monetize their platforms through targeted advertising. From launching platform businesses to maximizing product ranges, Mirakl effectively empowers enterprises to enhance their digital presence through impressive marketplace and dropship solutions. It also renders tailored solutions to industry-specific retailers, including fashion, grocery, health and beauty, and so on. 5. Summing Up Unified retail management promises B2B businesses the ability to outperform competitors in the market, serving as a driving force behind enhanced selling competencies. From ensuring excellent customer experiences to streamlining operations and enabling data-driven decision-making, the marketplace software platform for unified retail empowers businesses by increasing their efficiencies, reducing costs, and helping them meet their business goals. Importantly, with the retail sector quickly transforming, companies investing in unified retail management software firmly set themselves up for sustained growth and business excellence in the digital marketplace.

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POS Solutions

Since 1999, POS solutions has been a full service point of sale solutions provider and certified Aloha POS reseller for central Texas. POS Solutions offers local onsite support, point of sale systems, and hosted cloud applications that help you operate your restaurant efficiently and add to your bottom line. We offer a custom suite of restaurant tools including EMV solutions, table-side ordering, iPads, payment processing, multi-store configuration, ordering taking, guest engagement and kitchen production.

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Restaurant POS

MarginEdge Streamlines Brewery Operations with Arryved POS Integration

MarginEdge | February 27, 2024

MarginEdge, an industry leader in restaurant management solutions, is proud to announce a new integration with Arryved, the craft beverage industry’s most trusted point of sale system. This collaboration introduces seamless POS integration, empowering Arryved users with accurate sales entries in MarginEdge. As breweries diversify, especially those emphasizing on-premise sales, the partnership between Arryved and MarginEdge offers a powerful solution for streamlined and comprehensive financial management. Eric Jeffay, Director of Partnerships at MarginEdge, expressed the significance of this partnership, stating, “Brewery operators run incredibly complex businesses with multiple sales channels. Our integration with Arryved marks a pivotal moment for breweries seeking a cohesive end-to-end solution to organize brewery, scratch-kitchen, and on-premise consumption operations.” Key Highlights of MarginEdge’s Arryved POS Integration Effortless POS Integration for Breweries MarginEdge’s integration with Arryved’s POS system ensures a seamless connection, creating a unified workflow tailored to the unique needs of breweries, offering a comprehensive solution for enhanced operational efficiency. Synced Sales Data Accuracy The integration enables efficient syncing of sales data from Arryved’s POS system to MarginEdge, eliminating manual errors and ensuring timely and accurate financial reporting. Brewery operators can now rely on precise and balanced sales entries for informed decision-making. Overall Efficiency for Brewery Workflows MarginEdge’s integration ensures a true end-to-end solution for operators. Sales data from Arryved is seamlessly exported into MarginEdge, facilitating cost analysis and providing valuable insights into product usage. The comprehensive sales and product data are then effortlessly exported into various integrated accounting software, ensuring seamless operations for operators. “We are excited to welcome MarginEdge into our expanding ecosystem of high-value tech integrations,” said Arryved’s CEO Loren Bendele. “MarginEdge shares our commitment to helping breweries and other craft establishments run strong, profitable businesses and this integration provides Arryved users’ with an enhanced and automated way to get real-time sales data for food cost reporting and analysis.” “By joining forces with Arryved, we are not just integrating POS systems; we are elevating the brewery experience. This collaboration underscores our dedication to providing brewery operators with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive market,” added Jeffay. MarginEdge anticipates the positive impact this integration will have on the brewery landscape, solidifying its reputation as a pioneering force in restaurant and brewery management solutions. About MarginEdge MarginEdge’s mission is to create a world where restaurant operators can focus on the business they love. By using best-in-class technology to eliminate unproductive paperwork and streamline the flow of operational data, MarginEdge is reimagining the back office and freeing restaurants to spend more time on their culinary offerings and guest experiences. The platform offers market-leading invoice processing, inventory management, recipe analysis, budgeting, performance tracking and supplier bill payment capabilities. Founded by industry veterans, MarginEdge serves a diverse group of operators from single units and small chains to large franchise and hospitality groups, providing a high impact product that resonates across the hospitality industry. About Arryved Arryved, Inc. is the craft beverage industry’s most trusted point of sale, providing a flexible, mobile system that allows staff to take orders from anywhere, ensuring exceptional service. With profit-friendly pricing, robust reporting insights, and award-winning support, Arryved is designed for bars, breweries, cideries, restaurants, and distilleries. Founded by tech enthusiasts with extensive experience in the service sector, Arryved’s team-centric platform prioritizes service, elevates guest experiences, and offers easily digestible insights for informed decisions.

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POS Retail

Seagate Launches New E-commerce Website in the United States

Seagate Technology | February 26, 2024

Seagate Technology plc the leading innovator of mass-capacity storage solutions, announced the launch of its new e-commerce website in the United States. Seagate’s industry-leading storage products can now be purchased directly from www.seagate.com with access to exclusive promotions, support, live chat customer support, and peace of mind with genuine Seagate products. "We are excited to launch our new e-commerce website in the U.S., which will provide consumers with a seamless and personalized shopping experience," said Lance Ohara, vice president of marketing at Seagate. "The website will strengthen our relationship with our end users and enable us to deliver more value to them. At Seagate, we continue to innovate and bring new products to market, and our new e-commerce website will be where end users can find it first." To celebrate the launch, customers who register for Seagate’s e-commerce site will have first access to special pricing, free shipping offers, and other promotions. At launch, Seagate is offering an exclusive discount on its most popular gaming storage drives including the Xbox Storage Expansion Card for Xbox Series X|S 1TB at $129.99 (regularly $219.99), and Game Drive PS5™ NVMe SSD for $89.99 (regularly $124.99). The company plans to expand its e-commerce site to other regions later this year. About Seagate Technology Seagate Technology is the leading innovator of sustainable mass-capacity data storage solutions. We create breakthrough technology so you can confidently store your data and easily unlock its value. Founded over 45 years ago, Seagate has shipped over four billion terabytes of data capacity and offers a full portfolio of storage devices, systems, and services from edge to cloud.

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POS Solutions

Finastra's Filogix unveils automated lender note capabilities, powered by Gen AI

Finastra | February 21, 2024

Finastra's Filogix team has unveiled new generative AI (Gen AI) capabilities in its Expert Pro Canadian Mortgage Point of Sale (POS) solution. The function automates the creation of borrower narratives (notes) that aids in lender underwriting – streamlining processes, saving time and minimizing errors for brokers. With just a single click, users can generate a comprehensive summary of the mortgage deal, covering all the relevant criteria. The content can be reviewed, edited and then sent for underwriting much faster, as compared to the traditional manual process. Content can be auto-composed in English or French, and brokers can choose the format and which elements of the mortgage application to include for a more tailored and personalized experience. Jonathan Wootten, Head of Filogix at Finastra said, "We're very proud of this significant milestone. As a leader in financial technology solutions, we are committed to harnessing the power of Gen AI to enhance our own business processes, as well as to bringing exciting innovations to our customers. In our recent annual survey, 83% of financial services professionals said that their institution is interested in Gen AI. This mirrors the enthusiasm we see in the marketplace for the new functionality in our Expert Pro solution for brokers. We look forward to continuing to bring our customers opportunities to tap into the innovative and transformative technology that is Gen AI." The Auto-Compose functionality has a secure private model at the core, which stands out from other systems built around public models. Filogix Expert Pro allows mortgage professionals to centralize their business through workflow optimization, resulting in improved consumer experience, more time to manage new opportunities, and funding deals faster. Click here for more information. About Filogix Filogix has served as the hub of the Canadian mortgage industry for almost two decades, offering secure, reliable connectivity to brokers and lenders. It provides trusted mortgage lending products, that enable the effective management of the sales process from origination through underwriting. As the mortgage landscape continues to change, Filogix is prioritizing advances to support the industry into the future. It is investing in a more open infrastructure and building connectivity to create a complete mortgage marketplace, helping mortgage professionals do business with more choice, speed and reliability than ever before. About Finastra Finastra is a global provider of financial software applications and marketplaces, and launched the leading open platform for innovation, FusionFabric.cloud, in 2017. It serves institutions of all sizes, providing award-winning software solutions and services across Lending, Payments, Treasury & Capital Markets and Universal Banking (Retail, Digital and Commercial Banking) for banks to support direct banking relationships and grow through indirect channels, such as embedded finance and Banking as a Service. Its pioneering approach and commitment to open finance and collaboration is why it is trusted by over 8,000 institutions, including 45 of the world's top 50 banks.

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Restaurant POS

MarginEdge Streamlines Brewery Operations with Arryved POS Integration

MarginEdge | February 27, 2024

MarginEdge, an industry leader in restaurant management solutions, is proud to announce a new integration with Arryved, the craft beverage industry’s most trusted point of sale system. This collaboration introduces seamless POS integration, empowering Arryved users with accurate sales entries in MarginEdge. As breweries diversify, especially those emphasizing on-premise sales, the partnership between Arryved and MarginEdge offers a powerful solution for streamlined and comprehensive financial management. Eric Jeffay, Director of Partnerships at MarginEdge, expressed the significance of this partnership, stating, “Brewery operators run incredibly complex businesses with multiple sales channels. Our integration with Arryved marks a pivotal moment for breweries seeking a cohesive end-to-end solution to organize brewery, scratch-kitchen, and on-premise consumption operations.” Key Highlights of MarginEdge’s Arryved POS Integration Effortless POS Integration for Breweries MarginEdge’s integration with Arryved’s POS system ensures a seamless connection, creating a unified workflow tailored to the unique needs of breweries, offering a comprehensive solution for enhanced operational efficiency. Synced Sales Data Accuracy The integration enables efficient syncing of sales data from Arryved’s POS system to MarginEdge, eliminating manual errors and ensuring timely and accurate financial reporting. Brewery operators can now rely on precise and balanced sales entries for informed decision-making. Overall Efficiency for Brewery Workflows MarginEdge’s integration ensures a true end-to-end solution for operators. Sales data from Arryved is seamlessly exported into MarginEdge, facilitating cost analysis and providing valuable insights into product usage. The comprehensive sales and product data are then effortlessly exported into various integrated accounting software, ensuring seamless operations for operators. “We are excited to welcome MarginEdge into our expanding ecosystem of high-value tech integrations,” said Arryved’s CEO Loren Bendele. “MarginEdge shares our commitment to helping breweries and other craft establishments run strong, profitable businesses and this integration provides Arryved users’ with an enhanced and automated way to get real-time sales data for food cost reporting and analysis.” “By joining forces with Arryved, we are not just integrating POS systems; we are elevating the brewery experience. This collaboration underscores our dedication to providing brewery operators with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive market,” added Jeffay. MarginEdge anticipates the positive impact this integration will have on the brewery landscape, solidifying its reputation as a pioneering force in restaurant and brewery management solutions. About MarginEdge MarginEdge’s mission is to create a world where restaurant operators can focus on the business they love. By using best-in-class technology to eliminate unproductive paperwork and streamline the flow of operational data, MarginEdge is reimagining the back office and freeing restaurants to spend more time on their culinary offerings and guest experiences. The platform offers market-leading invoice processing, inventory management, recipe analysis, budgeting, performance tracking and supplier bill payment capabilities. Founded by industry veterans, MarginEdge serves a diverse group of operators from single units and small chains to large franchise and hospitality groups, providing a high impact product that resonates across the hospitality industry. About Arryved Arryved, Inc. is the craft beverage industry’s most trusted point of sale, providing a flexible, mobile system that allows staff to take orders from anywhere, ensuring exceptional service. With profit-friendly pricing, robust reporting insights, and award-winning support, Arryved is designed for bars, breweries, cideries, restaurants, and distilleries. Founded by tech enthusiasts with extensive experience in the service sector, Arryved’s team-centric platform prioritizes service, elevates guest experiences, and offers easily digestible insights for informed decisions.

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POS Retail

Seagate Launches New E-commerce Website in the United States

Seagate Technology | February 26, 2024

Seagate Technology plc the leading innovator of mass-capacity storage solutions, announced the launch of its new e-commerce website in the United States. Seagate’s industry-leading storage products can now be purchased directly from www.seagate.com with access to exclusive promotions, support, live chat customer support, and peace of mind with genuine Seagate products. "We are excited to launch our new e-commerce website in the U.S., which will provide consumers with a seamless and personalized shopping experience," said Lance Ohara, vice president of marketing at Seagate. "The website will strengthen our relationship with our end users and enable us to deliver more value to them. At Seagate, we continue to innovate and bring new products to market, and our new e-commerce website will be where end users can find it first." To celebrate the launch, customers who register for Seagate’s e-commerce site will have first access to special pricing, free shipping offers, and other promotions. At launch, Seagate is offering an exclusive discount on its most popular gaming storage drives including the Xbox Storage Expansion Card for Xbox Series X|S 1TB at $129.99 (regularly $219.99), and Game Drive PS5™ NVMe SSD for $89.99 (regularly $124.99). The company plans to expand its e-commerce site to other regions later this year. About Seagate Technology Seagate Technology is the leading innovator of sustainable mass-capacity data storage solutions. We create breakthrough technology so you can confidently store your data and easily unlock its value. Founded over 45 years ago, Seagate has shipped over four billion terabytes of data capacity and offers a full portfolio of storage devices, systems, and services from edge to cloud.

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POS Solutions

Finastra's Filogix unveils automated lender note capabilities, powered by Gen AI

Finastra | February 21, 2024

Finastra's Filogix team has unveiled new generative AI (Gen AI) capabilities in its Expert Pro Canadian Mortgage Point of Sale (POS) solution. The function automates the creation of borrower narratives (notes) that aids in lender underwriting – streamlining processes, saving time and minimizing errors for brokers. With just a single click, users can generate a comprehensive summary of the mortgage deal, covering all the relevant criteria. The content can be reviewed, edited and then sent for underwriting much faster, as compared to the traditional manual process. Content can be auto-composed in English or French, and brokers can choose the format and which elements of the mortgage application to include for a more tailored and personalized experience. Jonathan Wootten, Head of Filogix at Finastra said, "We're very proud of this significant milestone. As a leader in financial technology solutions, we are committed to harnessing the power of Gen AI to enhance our own business processes, as well as to bringing exciting innovations to our customers. In our recent annual survey, 83% of financial services professionals said that their institution is interested in Gen AI. This mirrors the enthusiasm we see in the marketplace for the new functionality in our Expert Pro solution for brokers. We look forward to continuing to bring our customers opportunities to tap into the innovative and transformative technology that is Gen AI." The Auto-Compose functionality has a secure private model at the core, which stands out from other systems built around public models. Filogix Expert Pro allows mortgage professionals to centralize their business through workflow optimization, resulting in improved consumer experience, more time to manage new opportunities, and funding deals faster. Click here for more information. About Filogix Filogix has served as the hub of the Canadian mortgage industry for almost two decades, offering secure, reliable connectivity to brokers and lenders. It provides trusted mortgage lending products, that enable the effective management of the sales process from origination through underwriting. As the mortgage landscape continues to change, Filogix is prioritizing advances to support the industry into the future. It is investing in a more open infrastructure and building connectivity to create a complete mortgage marketplace, helping mortgage professionals do business with more choice, speed and reliability than ever before. About Finastra Finastra is a global provider of financial software applications and marketplaces, and launched the leading open platform for innovation, FusionFabric.cloud, in 2017. It serves institutions of all sizes, providing award-winning software solutions and services across Lending, Payments, Treasury & Capital Markets and Universal Banking (Retail, Digital and Commercial Banking) for banks to support direct banking relationships and grow through indirect channels, such as embedded finance and Banking as a Service. Its pioneering approach and commitment to open finance and collaboration is why it is trusted by over 8,000 institutions, including 45 of the world's top 50 banks.

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